
NewsWhat a year! But it’s just the beginning
What a year! But it’s just the beginning

What a year! But it’s just the beginning

John MangosHi Fellow Members,

Well, some say life begins at 40 … others say it begins at 50 … but here at FiftyUp Club we believe it begins at one!

No, I haven’t lost the plot (yet), but in almost one fast year our Club has made a big difference and we’re out to celebrate.

As you know we started the Club out of a belief that Australian consumers over the age of 50 deserve a better deal.

We have spent the past year informing and educating the public, politicians and corporate Australia about three simple facts.

1.  We are better customers

2.  We have contributed more than our fair share to Australia’s success

3.  We are feeling the pinch from rising prices

And we have 93,750 reasons to push to the next level – all of them you, our members.

So as we head towards our first birthday we are going for the big 100.

We’re calling it the “Push For 100,000”, and we’ve got about 6,250 to go.

As you know, we’ve been busy advocating on areas of health insurance premiums, older workers, electricity prices and even National Service.

And we’ve had special offers on car insurance, electricity, life insurance, petrol, solar panels and more.

Stay closely tuned and please encourage more friends and family to come on board.

We plan to hit the magic 100,000 mark, and celebrate our first birthday with a bang: 10 special offers for you, Australia’s best customers.

I wasn’t here at the start, but put my hand up to be your Chairman earlier this year.

In the past six months I’ve seen our numbers grow, and the quality of our offers getting better all the time.

I have met with Federal Health Minister Peter Dutton and worked closely with Age Discrimination Commissioner Susan Ryan to achieve our goals.

I have spoken and written to many of you and sometimes feel your frustration.

But if I have learned one thing it’s this, the more of us there are, the bigger our numbers, the faster the wheels turn.

According to the Federal Government’s intergenerational report we made up about 10% of the workforce in 1980 and that’s projected to swell to 20% by 2050. In other words, there’s no dispute about our contribution.

So let’s get to it over the next few weeks. We are already the elephant in the room of corporate Australia. Let’s become a bigger elephant to celebrate our first year.

Something tells me the photographers would just love a shot of 100,000 of us huddled around a cake to blow out one candle!

Originally posted on .

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FiftyUp Club
What a year! But it's just the beginning

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Ana from NSW commented:

It's great to be a part of a group that makes a difference. As a suggestion when it comes to work/jobs for over fifty's it would be great to encourage employers to seek older/mature age workers, perhaps every corporation should be se seen to have a percentage of employees over fifty or perhaps we could have a job site for vacancies for over fifty's? I have been trying to get work for over twelve months and have been told on more than one occasion that whilst all was great for me the choice was a younger version!!! They were not shy to tell me that too; It leaves a bad taste of disappointment and even when you can still work it is obvious that most employers are saying No to Over Fifty's! Any comments?... 

Janette from NSW commented:

We are so lucky to have you advocating on our behalf. Go John! 

Robert from NSW commented:

Foreign-People Integration does NOT work in this country! 

Colleen from NSW commented:

I supported the claim that "Yes - everything is over-regulated now" a leading statement. Although not 'everything' but 'too many things 

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