
NewsFiftyUp Club Launches campaign for 10,000 Victorians
FiftyUp Club Launches campaign for 10,000 Victorians

FiftyUp Club Launches campaign for 10,000 Victorians

vic-fbJohn Mangos is today launching a campaign searching for 10,000 Victorians to help bring the FiftyUp Club to Victoria.

The FiftyUp Club is a consumer movement that lobbies businesses and governments on behalf of 95,000+ members aged 50-plus in NSW and QLD.

The Club is now looking for 10,000 Victorians to join the fight for FiftyUps and help create the buying power needed to bring them the discounts, special offers, and political influence they deserve.

Although they are one-third of the population, and have half the nation’s household buying power, just 10% of sales budgets are targeted at over-50s.

Most FiftyUps feel overlooked by Corporate Australia, according to the Australian Human Rights Commission.

FiftyUp Club Chairman John Mangos wants the Club to have enough members to fill the MCG:

“We want to see more FiftyUps unite so that we become the elephant in the room that corporate Australia and Governments can’t ignore.

“As the backbone of society, we FiftyUps are more often than not the best customers companies can ask for, so it’s about time we got the products and services we deserve.”

Joining is entirely cost-free and obligation-free at



FiftyUps are, more often than not, the best customers that companies can hope for. They are often lower risk, higher value, and stick with providers they like and respect.

  • 1 in 3 Australians are aged 50 and over.[i]
  • Over $5 in every $10 of Australian household wealth (53%) (national household buying power) is held by 55 and up.[ii]
  • According to a FiftyUp Club survey of more than 5000 over-50s, this demographic paid almost one-and-a-half times the national average premium increase on Health Insurance in 2014.[iii]
  • Car insurance studies have shown the incidence of car accidents is lowest for people aged between their 50s and early 70s. They tend to self-regulate their overall crash risk by driving less and by avoiding heavy traffic and night time driving.[iv]

[ii] ABS 6554.0 Household Wealth and Wealth Distribution 2011-12–12?OpenDocument

[iii] FiftyUp Club Submission to Health Minister Peter Dutton, 6 August, 2104,

[iv] Study of car accident data for Queensland, based on number of accidents for every 10,000 licences in 5 year age brackets between July 2004 and June 2009. Older Driver Safety Advisory Committee – Report to Department of Transport, December 2011

Originally posted on .

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FiftyUp Club
FiftyUp Club Launches campaign for 10,000 Victorians

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Christine from VIC commented:

As a retiree on the pension, I feel people in my position need to be heard and listened to. 

Cameron from VIC commented:

Heard on 3aw have joined already 

Susanne from VIC commented:

We have helped build and create the lifestyles enjoyed by all. Most of us, (esp. women) did not have the opportunity to self fund our retirement throughout our working lives as the younger ones can today. It is unfair to make us suffer a miserable living standard now. 

Ken from VIC commented:

Trying to find work is even harder than ever as I'm getting told by 20odd year olds telling me I'm not suitable for this position. All because they have a piece of paper saying that they know all 

John from VIC commented:

Like to pay insurances on a monthly basis. 

peter from VIC commented:

Anything that helps 50 plus people I'm all for 

colin / dot
colin / dot from VIC commented:

Us over 50's seem to get the raw end of the deals, this does need to be changed. 

Rosa from VIC commented:

Is not a comment but a question, I heard on 3aw radio that we might get cheaper electricity bills if we did what? I did not catch what they were talking about. I would appreciate your help 

Barry from VIC commented:

glad to have joined up 

Robert from VIC commented:

count me in 

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