
News5 Ways to Save on Petrol
5 Ways to Save on Petrol

5 Ways to Save on Petrol

petrol-420x0The Fuel tax is set to rise next Monday adding further pressure to the soaring cost of living.

Average fuel prices have almost doubled since 2002 when they were around 87 cents per litre, according to the Australian Institute of Petroleum. The latest data shows the average price across Australia has soared to $1.49 a litre.

Furthermore, the petrol price cycle and the idea of ‘cheap Tuesdays’ have seemingly disappeared, as reported by the Sydney Morning Herald.

We know Australian motorists are fed up, so we’ve pulled together some tips to save at the bowser.

1.    MotorMouth
MotorMouth helps you find the cheapest petrol prices near you. The website includes a price map, a 7 day buying outlook and plenty of information to compare prices. For smartphone users, they’ve got an app you can download.

 2.    Discounts
Discounted fuel is not limited to the 4-cent shopper dockets from Coles and Woolworths. Discounted gift cards and specials are often available online. I like to keep my on Oz bargain to see what’s around. For example, just yesterday you could get 5% off Caltex Petrol eGift Cards.

3.    Be a mindful driver
You’ve probably heard some of these before, but there’s numerous ways you can become a more fuel-efficient driver. Make your fuel go further by driving in the right gear, stop starting less often, speeding less, using air conditioner sparingly and traveling light.

4.    Fill up when the price of fuel is cheap, not when your petrol tank is empty
If you wait until the red light appears on your dashboard before you start searching for the nearest petrol station you could be paying more than you have to. Try pay more attention to daily price fluctuations and fill up when it’s cheapest. MotorMouth can help you keep track.

 5.    Car-share
If all else fails maybe it’s time to ditch your car. If you have two cars maybe get rid of one. Car sharing might be a better choice than buying and maintaining your own.

Do you have any tips to save on fuel bills?

Originally posted on .

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5 Ways to Save on Petrol

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catherine from NSW commented:

these are all well and good when you live in a big city but what can we do when we live 57km from the nearest town and we dont have buses and we only go in on pension days? 

Edward from NSW commented:

Just wake up and go to the smaller independent Service Stations very cheaper than the other BIG TWO. 

Peter from QLD commented:

The recent excise increase would probably mean about 40 cents per week. What is the big deal about?. 

Judy from NSW commented:

All governments seem to be unaware, that those of us who live in rural areas cannot avail of public transport. The petrol increases make it very difficult for us to balance our budget 

Ron from QLD commented:

I used to have an old mate who expressed his frustrations with a simple statement. "Shoot em." 

Serge from NSW commented:

It's not so much that I have any tips as we live in the country and we don't have any price fluctuations as we mainly have only one brand of fuel in the whole district and price stay high at all times as Woolworth controls a lot of the stations. We are disadvantaged no matter what we do even when you had that fuel discount promotion. Serge 

Christine from QLD commented:

Terry has a great idea and I'd certainly follow it. But how to persuade others to do the same. We'd need everyone, not just the over-50s doing this. 

Les from NSW commented:

we are over 50 not brain dead. 

Ken from NSW commented:

The Labor Government ceased adjusting beer and fuel excise at budget time instead applying increases twice a year linked to CPI, now we have beer consumption dropping because it's the most expensive in the world, now excise as been restarted on petrol the same will happen with that commodity too. Blame Labor. 

Edward from NSW replied to Ken:

And don't forget the Aulco Pop's big tax rise It was suppose to stop young people from drinking WHAT A JOKE 

Bernd from QLD replied to Ken:

Sorry Ken, you can't blame Labor for this increase. The petrol excise was dropped from 42 cents a liter to 38 cents per liter by the Liberal government. The person responsible was Treasurer Peter Costello. John Howard needed to garner votes from "Howards Battlers" for the Liberals to remain in office. 

warren from NSW replied to Bernd:

Neither of you are right. The Democrats/Labor forced Howard to cease fuel excise indexation to counter the introduction of GST. In hindsight, it was a ridiculous demand. 

Bernd from QLD replied to warren:

The fuel excise reduction was made 12 months after Howards introduction of the GST. 

warren from NSW replied to Bernd:

Glad you agree - it was part of the GST package demands from the Dem/Labor. 

Bernd from QLD replied to warren:

Sorry but it was a sweetener by Howard to get votes in the next election which was due in 3 months. Remember that Howard had wanted to introduce the GST for 25 years. He brought it in in his second term without making it part of his election platform. To be honest Howard did this country no service as treasurer under Frasier and did no better when he was PM. 

warren from NSW replied to Bernd:

.......absolute rubbish - your lame attempt at rewriting historical events is mind boggling. I could provide you with a reference, but I think it would be a useless exercise, and, or it may destroy your future valuable input! 

warren from NSW replied to Bernd:

BTW Keating was the also the ambassador of GST debate but did not have the 'metal' to take it forward. Howard took it to an election and won. Facts is important. 

Bernd from QLD replied to warren:

Yes, the Labor party was thinking of bringing in the GST. However it was never part of their Election campaign. Hewsen tried it and lost. Howard was the one who got it in, in his second term without it being part of his election campaign. 

warren from NSW replied to Bernd:

Wrong again Bernd - GST WAS part of PM Howard's 2nd term election campaign which he won by a slim margin. It's been a long haul to correct all your inaccurate commentary, but I feel it's been worth it. 

Someone from NSW commented:

PEOPLE POWER! The FiftyUp Club could go public with this idea and urge its members, and their families and friends, to do what has been suggested by Terry. This will get the ball rolling. And perhaps shock the multinationals. George, NSW. 

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