
NewsTime to give the over 50's a voice in budget debates on tax, retirement and work
Time to give the over 50's a voice in budget debates on tax, retirement and work

Time to give the over 50's a voice in budget debates on tax, retirement and work

As debate hots up before the Federal Budget, it’s time to gauge the views of those most affected by the hip-pocket issues being discussed – the over-50s.

The 120,000-member FiftyUp Club has today launched its second annual pre-Budget survey, asking the over-50s what they think about:

  • Pensions and superannuation
  • Negative gearing,
  • The GST and
  • Working to age 70

Consumers over 50 can now give their views HERE on big questions such as whether access to the pension should be more strict, the GST should be extended, or negative gearing should be ended.

They’ll also be asked about work experiences ahead of the inquiry into discrimination against older workers, announced this week (see Appendix).

Last year’s FiftyUp Club Budget Survey attracted more than 6,500 responses on pensions, Medicare and other issues and was presented to the federal government. The same will be done this year.

“Big decisions in these areas affect us not just now but well into the future and will impact on how we plan, save and prepare — so it’s vital we have a voice in these debates,” says FiftyUp Club guest commentator Christopher Zinn.

“As a group with age and experience, but not always money and influence, we need to let decision-makers know what we think before it’s too late.”

The FiftyUp Club has over 120,000 members and uses their buying power to negotiate special offers and lobby on their behalf. It’s free to join at

Click Here to take our 5-Minute Survey




Recent Budget Related News

  1. ‘Stop rich from using negative gearing to offset wages, save $1b : ACOSS’, Sydney Morning Herald, 16 April 2015 by Nassim Khadem Read Here
  2. ‘How a 12 per cent GST could deliver a $100,000 earner an income-tax cut of $34 a week’,, 1 April 2015 by John Rolfe Read Here
  3. 'Tony Abbott pledges to protect our superannuation: No changes during his term of government and beyond’, The Daily Telegraph, 16 April 2015 by Simon Benson Read Here
  4. ‘Age Discrimination: Federal Government inquiry to examine barriers older workers face in finding jobs’, ABC Online, 15 April 2015 by Nick Dole Read Here
  5. ‘Opinion: Politicians can’t be trusted to make decisions about superannuation’, Courier Mail, 15 April 2015 by Jeff Kennett Read Here
Originally posted on .

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Time to give the over 50's a voice in budget debates on tax, retirement and work

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Kamala from NSW commented:

GST shoul be increased. We all have different spending habits. Foreign buyers should be allowed limited housing/ farms/ land investment. This is robbing the present and future Australians generations of their rightful homes and security. This area should be streamlined to the minimum. Stopped taking the hard working people for granted. They experience too many sleepless nights/ stress/ leave kids to make a decent living. All in the name to pay dole bludgers to house them/ drugs/free needles/ alcohol etc etc . Everyone who is young and capable of working ,Get off your bums and work and support the gov. To help pay the debt off. Stop and think what mess labour gave you and you children. Paying China Hugh sums what they created which could be spent more wisely for your benefit in this country. Accepting and housing boat people and refugees will take away some of your luxury. The health system takes a big hit, too many have health issues. Schooling is another problems. Thank to Labour. Present gov. Trying to solve the issues . Give him a hand. Go to wok if you can . Do the right thing. Stop expecting the gov to hold your hand or breast fed you. Toughen up Aussie.I looked after 3 children, single parent, worked 6 nights since 1993. Recently retired. Own my home through hard work. Kids did well at school.. Didn't get help because I work many years of sleepless nights. Got good money so no entitlements. Create your own path. It can be your salvation. People in the third world do it Tough. I should know. I am one of them . Stand up tall. Make your future. Have a wonderful day and wish you well. KB 

Claudia from VIC replied to Kamala:

I hope you read Theos comment 

Theo from NSW commented:

I`m a single self-funded retiree , aged 82, have always saved / paid as much as possible into super and shares [ stockmarket ] Worked till I was [ pensioned off] at 65. Have not smoked , drank only socially [ 2 beers a week ] ' have not gambled any spare cash away , also have managed to pay off my modest 2 bedroom [ fibro home] . Because of my assets '= mainly shares in stockmarket that have increased exponentially = I am now in excess of the government stated allowed assets limits= , so now I`m being punished for being a hardworking law abiding "silly old moo " . I should have p----- it up against the wall and receive now all the government`s largesse instead of now having to watch my expenditure and pay the full price for all my medical / chemist expenses. A word of advice , don`t trust any politician , they are all worthless gitts.. Mastatom law abiding citizens 

Someone from NSW commented:

I feel that the Government should leave retirees supperanuation alone., these people have worked hard and saved for their retirement. Getting younger people in the work force to contribute to taxes is a fairer way of balancing the budget. Some young people have no work ethic, and many families have been on welfare for generations. Those on welfare for a long period of time should have to do compulsory work for their welfare cheque.Bringing in compulsory National Service would help these young people, and give them a sense of work ethic and team work which could only help them in a better lifestyle. 

shirley from QLD commented:

I feel the taxation and government target the easy groups as pensioners and self funded retirees and pay as go tax groups to make up their budget short falls. Why should people who have worked hard all their lives, paid their taxes always had hospital insurances and other insurances not be entitled to anything from the government. Owner businesses pay little to no tax and lead a very easy lifestyle and still receive all the government handouts because their taxable income is nothing. They write everything off to not pay child support, not pay tax, receive government parenting taxes, health care cards, and then wage supplement . The honest people pay because of the people that can work the system. THESE are the groups the government needs to look at. Gee you start school at 5 go to work at 18 why shouldn't you enjoy life at 60 and be able to retire then with a bit of help / subsidy from the government? Finish work at 75 if you lucky enough to have a job and like it, then what, oh yes you die so the government can take a tax from the money you haven't enjoyed and paid income tax, savings tax, retirement and super taxes and whatever else taxes , before your beneficeries get it. But pollies retire at super money, little taxes and greet super plans, for bullying each other for their working lives. Fair? I don't think so. I'm 55 have had 4 children one later in life, my husband works 12 hr shifts, travels to and from work anything from an hr or 2 . We struggle just to make the basic payments. I tell employers my age never hear back. They aren't interested in your skills or what you have to offer , a part time 15 year old is cheaper. If things don't change then the budget deficit will only get worse. Take a long hard look at all aspects not just the easy targets 

kathy from NSW commented:

When I was starting out I paid 17% for my mortgage. I paid taxes that paid for the then current retirees and I worked hard without a degree to gain the best position and wage. At 62 I was let go at a new job, once the found out my age, I had to take a menial job to pay the bills and they are the only jobs available to our age group unless you work through. When I turned 65 I was financially better off not to work for the little amount I earned on a 3 day job. I stayed home to raise my daughter so have little superannuation and yet I keep hearing we are the spoilt generation, we have to be penalised because foreign investment has raised our hard earned houses. I don't buy coffee outside home, I didn't take my child to cafes and restaurants, I don't have multiple media devices, I didn't take overseas holidays and other luxuries during my life - thats I how I managed to buy my property and today the government wants to penalise us for this when at last I can do the things I sacrificed. Sorry not on! Absolutely disgusted and any debate on TV is done by 30-40 year olds, you rarely see anyone on the panels who are our age to give a balanced view. 

Someone from VIC commented:

Most people are now going to have to work over 65 yrs. I think that when you get to 60 yrs and still working, that you pay NO tax to the Government, but what tax you would have paid goes directly into funding/topping up your Super. This would assist the pension payments required enormously. By 60 it's time you got some benefit to assist with older age and being able to pay your bills. 

Christine from NSW commented:

more consideration to elderly people be it medical or standards of living thank you as most have contribute to the economy in more ways than one and keep on doing so with volunteering and saving the country millions 

lee from VIC commented:

pensioners need a better deal on electricity water and council rates to help there pension go further and make there later lives more livable 

Boris from NSW commented:

The near to Zero interest rates prevalent all over the World is the biggest ponsy scheme ever devised by over borrowed governments. All it does is cause untold misery and hardship on Savers and elderly retirees and results on the wrong people taking on unsustainable Debt. In no way does it stimulate economies as we are made to believe. The proof of this is Japan who implemented Zero interest rates over 2 decades ago and whose economy has never recovered all these years even during the Boom years 2000 to 2008 . Zero interest rates stops consumer spending by those who would in a normal interest environment conversely causes debt take on by those who should not and who can ill afford to. NO CAPITALIST SYSTEM can operate efficiently with near to Zero interest rates, it is contrary to what capitalism is about !!! 

Robert from NSW commented:

I believe the GST should be raised to a minimum of 15 % with no exemptions with lower tax rates max 30 %. Floated the GST to control inflation by the reserve bank , Interest rates could be maintained under 4 % to promote investment in both construction & business. Know one to receive unemployment unless they have worked ( I have worked for 40 years & when I became unemployed for the first time I wasn't even recognised by the system ). If you haven't worked only food stamps & rent All people with out jobs should have to register with labour hire companies ( if back packers can do it so can the unemployed) After working for more than 5 years deserve some sort of payment until I find a job up to 6 months each time up until you are 50 then 1 year ( wasn't that what the Dole was For) No Farm land to be sold to anyone from overseas , In NZ you cant buy land over 5 acres if you live outside the country even if you are a citizen . No farm to plate for existing overseas owners( as this avoids tax ) placing a 30% tax on food exported from there farms to the country of origin, No 457 work visas for these foreign owners for there farms No Mining on farm land A scaled rate of negative gearing ending at 3 properies Politian's cant access pensions until they are the same age as the general public & are subject to the same rules Please like or dislike my views 

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