Older Australians must be heard on retirement at Reform Summit
A major new survey of 10,000 Australians over-50 shows why their views need to be considered together with the 90 leaders from the social services sector, unions, businesses and policy think tanks at the National Reform Summit
The Fair Go for Fifty Up’s campaign has polled 10,000 Australians so far and found the single most important financial issue for older Australians is that the family home remains exempt from the pension assets test
One of the largest national campaigns on cost of living for over-50s, Fair Go for FiftyUps has shown that 3 of the top 4 policies most valued by older Australians relate to the retirement income system, namely;
- 41% of older Australians (41%) stated their most important financial consideration was that the family home remain exempt from the pension assets test.
- 1 in 6 over 50’s do not want changes to taxation on superannuation.
- The third biggest financial concern was that the pension eligibility age remain at 65.
The summit has declared it is reviewing the entire retirement income system and one of the questions it will be considering is whether people are using superannuation tax concessions to minimize their tax rather than save for retirement.
"It seems the one area most parties agree on is that there needs to be some reform and progress around the future shape of retirement incomes and how they are paid,” FiftyUp Club spokesperson Christopher Zinn said.
"It's our role at FiftyUp to insist that the voice of the people most effected by such policy changes are heard loud and clear. Our polling suggest they accept there has to be change but they also demand more certainty."
Ten thousand over 50’s have already joined the #FairgoforFiftyUps campaign in under a week. The campaign is drawing national attention at fiftyupclub.com
The 128,000-member FiftyUp Club launched the cost of living campaign an attempt to ask older Australians how they’re weakening incomes from low-interest rates and any proposed changes superannuation, pensions, healthcare and tax changes.
Below are some opinions of FiftyUp Club members regarding the taxation system or retirement incomes. These members have joined the 10 thousand strong campaign on cost of living.
‘We spend too much money policing a complex taxation system. Reform and simplify it and reduce the cost of management and enforcement.’ Phillip, QLD
‘Have forums with Seniors and seek their feedback on how hard it is to live on the Pension.’ Pamela, NSW
‘Changing the rules regarding pensions AFTER a person has retired is not fair.’ Rob, VIC
‘Cost of living for all Australians is far too expensive. It is cheaper to live in London than Sydney now.‘ Kevin NSW
‘Governments need to look for positive ways to help those who demonstrate that they want to provide for their retirement at a reasonable living standard, regardless of existing income or assets, rather than think of ways to screw back their entitlements to reduce expenditure.’ Terry QLD.
‘Joe Hockey told us the day of entitlement was over, perhaps they should lead by example, their super is capital guaranteed, ours isn't. When they leave Parliament it should be like any other job and their lerks and perks NO LONGER EXIST.’ Trish QLD
MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Jackie Levett, FiftyUp Club media contact EMAIL: Jackie@fiftyupclub.com PHONE: 0434 995 611