


I’m currently having a big clean up at home and it’s proving quite the struggle.

I have no issue with throwing stuff ‘s very cathartic and makes me feel lighter emotionally. Other members of my family however, well let’s just say things aren’t going well.

Since the kids were little, I’ve kept every single drawing, Naplan report and birthday card they have ever given me. I’ve boxed them, labeled them by year and name, dutifully waiting for them to move out and happily take them.

Therein lies the problem, they couldn’t care less about that stuff and don’t want it.

We were going through a box on the weekend and my daughter found her first tooth in a plastic bag with a label showing the date she lost it. She started dry-reaching.

Then there’s mum. I’m sure a lot of readers will relate to this. Mum was born in the Great Depression. She often recalls her childhood when clothes were not only passed down between siblings but between families until they literally fell apart.

She speaks of coupons, bread and dripping and of watching her mother kill the family chicken, pluck it and cook it. Times were tough and I have nothing but respect for my grandmother who raised 3 children while my grandfather was off at war. I think this is when recycling truly began, out of necessity not choice.

We could all take a leaf out of this period in our history to help save money today. Here’s my mum’s Top Ten Depression Era Saving Tips

  1. Repair rather than replace broken items around the house if you can
  2. Take good care of your clothes so they last longer
  3. Turn your electric blanket off when you get into bed
  4. Hang clothes out to dry wherever possible
  5. Learn how to make jam. If you make too much, donate it or sell it
  6. Learn how to cook cheaper cuts of meat
  7. Carefully un-wrap gifts you’re given and re-use the paper.
  8. Use a binder clip to squeeze the last of the toothpaste out
  9. If it’s yellow, let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down. 
  10. Grow your own herbs – in fact grow whatever fruit and veg you can

I’d love to hear your money saving tips around the home…



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Peter from NSW commented:

Nice advice, however point 1 seems undoable these days as most items are made to be disposed of and not repaired. 

shirley from NSW commented:

I have been making jams ,pickles,chutnies for years so I can regulate the amount of sugar salt etc.i cannot remember the last time I bought satisfying to do it yourself.every little bit helps 

Julie from QLD commented:

The other benefit which you can't buy is the sense of personal satisfaction of doing for self at home. Great to see these hints. Having been there myself when younger, time to be creative can be a factor when your a parent of young. Any little steps you can make would give me a smile inside. Julie from Qld 

Cliff from QLD commented:

Oh! I didn't realize they have electric blankets back in the Depression days. 

Someone from QLD commented:

Another saving tip is to make out a shopping list before you leave home and stick to it. Also don't leave lights on unnecessarily around the home, as well as technical gadgets not being used. It can be surprising how much electricity they consume over a period of time. 

Someone from QLD commented:

Thanks Kayley for those money saving tips. I find any type of craft work also money saving. Especially making gifts for any occasion. Baked gifts for Christmas is fun & saves money. 

margaret from NSW commented:

So right. I make a little for sale as well. What i do is time consuming for little reward, however I can listen to radio or TV for a couple of hours as I am retired so have 24hours of every day just for me. I have a MUST CLEAR $6 (that is clear profit) 25 days a month. That is a painless $150 or more each and every month and when wisely divided between areas that require just a few more dollars, can make life easier, more pleasant.It also means less time to be bored and less time to spend on consoling yet not required treats 

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