
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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pat from QLD commented:

I recently gave up work for health reasons,I am 63,have worked 48 yrs with short time off to have my children,There was no maternity allowance or financial government help we just got on with life.I worked at very hard manual jobs,I am 5ft 1in weighing in at 7st.I gave birth to 4 babies,raised 3 who are all hard working and sadly buried one.I have fought many medical battles but won and continued to work.My body is now old battered and broken,I am tired and sick.The way I am being treated now by the government is cruel,I feel us older aussie have definitely got a use by date,unless u can keep working or support yourself we are unimportant and useless,my message about forcing us to keep working is,Leave us alone,we have done our years,give us the paltry pension without degrading us,get the young ones off the dole into the work force give thema sense of pride and achievement,they have 50 good years ahead of them,I will be lucky to have 10 painful years left in me,let me live them out without fear of what MY government may try to force me to do next 

Max from QLD commented:

Its fine for a federal politician, they retire on a very, very comfortable pension, any time they chose, and that is the key word "CHOICE', having the right to work past retirement is a great thing, but being forced to continue, is another thing. ! 

Someone from NSW commented:

I have no thoughts of retiring. I'd be quite happy to work until I dropped dead. Unless they have worked for the government for most of their working lives the people I know who have done so at circa 65 just can't maintain a quality of life comparable to when they were working. For most people going from earning a decent salary to virtually nothing is soul destroying. Employed people are happy people and work keeps dementia away. It is all well and good employing younger people but the older ones have a wealth of experience and don't take off time for maternity leave. We work hard because we know the value of having a job. If the government really want to save money they could introduce urine tests and RBT's at Centrelink before payments are made. This would rule out drugs and alcohol and help ensure that the money is going to people who really are entitled to it. 

Beverley from NSW commented:

RBT's while lining up at the honey pot? What a great idea! That should change things up a bit! I think part of the reason they want the oldies to stay on is a honest days work for an honest days pay and they are ASSURED of getting their tax from them! We older workers have a very different ethic to the majority of younger ones coming through - and are easier to control because we werent given the green light to have ridiculous rights as pre-teeners and grew up with responsibility for our actions the rule not the exception! 

Someone from NSW replied to Beverley:

Thank you for your comment, Bev. I think it is important to get to the source of the issues not just treat the symptoms. Yes, we have a very different work ethic and employers and service providers should realise our worth. I've seen some of the people that are walking into Centrelink and it is obvious that the money is not being spent on food, that is for sure. 

terry from QLD commented:

i must admit the goverment are saying to the public go and find a job but its like a big roller coaster when gilard was the pm 75 origanal companys that where australia owned closed down for good or went over seas now tony abbot is in there is more companys closeing down and will be looking at going over seas so folks jobs well the way its going there will not be any jobs there is no uderstanding in our goverment any more its all about the ????? ALLMIGHTY how mutch can thay bleed out of you untill you will be looking into your pokets for before there is none left just remember moast politicans where born into wealthy families before thay take over australia as pm thay should be made to live in poverty first then thay just might get the idea on how hard its getting to just live day by day not every body is gifted to be wealthy some people are just happy to be who thay are life is not all about money we are all born for a reason and a perpose so after that folks i hope you all have a wounderfull day and hope that the day of change will come may be ????? 

Pete from NSW commented:

Don't you just love when ACA comes upon a story about dole bludgers. That guy on last Mondays show the 27th January was a perfect example as to why pension rises in many cases less than $10. These parasites are chewing up the Government coffers and depriving the deserving. He has been on the dole for 28 YEARS!! The last time he said he went for an interview was 3 -4 years ago. I wonder what possessed him to have an interview at all? Maybe someone stuck a skyrocket up his butt. Speaking of butts it is time that both sides of Parliament start dancing to the same tune regarding us pensioners. Many of us and our ancestors built this country. Many served the country we built. Do what you did to me during the Vietnam War chuck these dole bludgers, coward punchers and partner bashes into the Army. So Pollies stop sitting on your hands, remove your index fingers from pointing to the sun and act. How about realising this that Pensioner and Prisioner have only two letters to differentiate between them. It's time to release us from our financial Prison and strive towards the basic wage. 

Janice from VIC commented:

I am 69yrs and my husband is 70yrs. We each ran a small business and both have recently retired. We worked 5 years past retirement age saving the government thousands..... It would be nice if we could work to supplement our small pension with the cost of living increasing every day ... The small amount we are allowed to earn before it affects our pension is pathetic.... we dearly want to travel overseas to visit family but we are restricted by the length of time we can be out of the country, otherwise our pension will be stopped, this I feel is wrong. It's extremely unfair to use our home as an asset for a pension entitlement ..we worked very hard for our home! The government should look at its own members who think nothing of squandering tax payers money!... We should be left alone to enjoy what little retirement we have left. 

F Kathryn M
F Kathryn M from NSW commented:

I am 68yrs young and don't mind working casually + have my own sole trader business, own my home but I prefer to work as many hours as I can but if I earn more than $450. in any one calendar month employers have to pay compulsory super. I join a fund and then between $7. - $11.75 gets taken as account/admin. fees each month, I close the fund account then have to watch any further hours that I work so I don't go over the $450. earned in one month why can't this contribution be given straight to me or put to my allocated pension account instead of super funds biting into the small amount that is being contributed by my employers. Years ago instead of $$$s from welfare we would get vouchers for butcher/supermarkets etc why can't human services - centrelink bring that back in. To be assessed on our homes is cruel what if your living in a family/estate given home or values change because of a development in your area or valuer generals office has re-valued your area (something you have no doing in). we are the ones that own our homes we should be given privacy of that home being linked or associated with entitlement of an age pension. To receive any benefits we should deserve/earn those benefits through education/qualification work ethics, like wanting to get a good credit rating earn that benefit by our past doings. Get rid of take away food, alcohol. gambling outlets and make all financial lenders as community based entities not big greedy making millions by reprocessing peoples homes/assets because of high fees and charges or because of an illness or death cannot keep up the repayments. 

Leo from NSW commented:

Yes those who want to work offer experience, knowledge & integrity but what about their willingness ability to teach the younger ones who at the moment are also struggling to get a job in many cases.Bring the 2 together to realize the potential of both & relieve the Centrelink bill & improve productivity & gain loyalty as well 

noelene from NSW commented:

Older people should be able to keep working if they feel like it. Some men retire & within a few years they just waste away. At the same time I think the Govt should stop handing out all the benefits to the unemployed & single mothers, & get them back into the workforce. There was no such thing as the single mothers benefit when I was young. If you were left on your own you had to find a job & pay someone to look after your children. The young unemployed should be made to work for the dole. There are plenty of people out there needing assistance & these dole bludgers should be made to help them. 

Peter from NSW commented:

Peter from NSW The fifty up club offers 17% discount off electricity bills.I asked some 4 weeks ago with no response from Fifty Up. MY QUESTION : Do you receive a further discount if you hold a Government Seniors Health card. My current energy supplier offers 12% if I pay before time ( not direct debit) and with the health card dicount is greater than the 17% 

Joel - FiftyUp Club
Joel - FiftyUp Club from NSW replied to Peter:

Hi Peter, you should give Click Energy a call on 1300 085 785 and ask them for their policy on government seniors health cards. 

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