
NewsSecond Major Retailer Announces Power Price Hikes of up to $500
Second Major Retailer Announces Power Price Hikes of up to $500

Second Major Retailer Announces Power Price Hikes of up to $500

Two of the Big 3 energy retailers have now announced electricity price hikes of $300-$500 for households starting on July 1.

On Thursday, EnergyAustralia notified newspapers of increases ranging from 7% to 20% on Electricity bills for customers.

EnergyAustralia says this adds:

  • $369 for an average Electricity & Gas customer in NSW,
  • $130 for an average Electricity customer in SEQLD, and
  • $471 for an average Electricity & Gas customer in SA.

This follows the announcement of big increases last week by AGL, adding between $200-$500 to a typical electricity and gas bill.[1]

The third of the Big 3, Origin Energy, is yet to announce its increases, but other retailers’ hikes are expected to be similar, or even higher.

We'll keep you updated as more info comes in.

Or you can tell us what your retailer is doing if you've already heard from them! Email

Some experts are even predicting increases of up to 30% for some customers due to the doubling of wholesale prices over the past two years.

All of this comes on top of bills increasing by 116% on average nationally in the past decade, and is likely to lead to mass disconnections.

Be sure to shop around and make sure you're on a good discount before the price rises kick in.

See the current special offers for members at this link

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Roy from QLD commented:

Totally agree with Martin. The Qld government still own the power stations up here and have just made a 2 billion dollar profit from the sale of electricity to the power retailers 

martin from QLD commented:

And then there are those of us on limited income. Prices go UP indecently way above inflation rates (Yes, I am talking about YOU in government with your charges), yet pensions or returns from fixed incomes or banks are LOWER each year! Add to that, pensioners that worked/saved/built this nation over the past 50 years are penalised for still being alive!! 

Brian from NSW commented:

Why do we always seem to take every time these retailers want to raise fees and the Government do nothing. I THOUGHT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE TO HELP US combat these rises. 

Brian from NSW commented:

Seems all we do these days. Spend our whole lives "shopping around". Lost the plot somewhere along the privatisation road !! Power, like food, is essential for civilised living and, like food, power should have no GST on it. Remove the GST from power bills !! 

Richard from NSW commented:

Your involvement in assisting pensioners is very commendable. But, Im so tired of everything going up way in excess of the inflation rate and all you and other say is "Shop around". It doesn't matter. If you shop around and change to another company, eventually their prices go up as well and at the end of the day your no better off. It just seems no one in power cares enought to put on the brakes. Malcom gets up and grandstabnds about power price increases and doing something about it but what happens a couple of weeks later. Up they go again. Its all useless worrying about it. Jusy buy candles and rug up. 

Anne from SA replied to Richard:

Totally agree with your comments. It is about time the government actually did something to stop these over the top price increases. The more we pay for power, health, etc. the less there is to spend in retail areas. The final result is the economy will shrink even more. 

Brian from NSW commented:

Looks like back to the wood and coke burning stove for cooking, heating and hot water. Candles or Kero lighting on the shopping list as well. What a disgraceful outcome for the privatization fanatics ! Power is only for the rich!! Time for a revolution !! 

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