
News13 Random Acts of Kindness
13 Random Acts of Kindness

13 Random Acts of Kindness

You don’t have to spread doom and gloom this Friday the 13th. Spread the love with these 13 random acts of kindness.

  1. Smile at someone. This one is easy peasy. A simple smile from you to someone can brighten someone’s day.
  2. Give a sincere compliment. If your barista has the best smile you’ve seen since your uni crush, tell him/her. It will surely make them smile and let you take a trip down memory lane.
  3. Pay it forward. Buy yourself a coffee and the person behind you too. If coffee isn’t your thing, you can pay it forward by any other means from buying petrol, groceries, a meal for the next person. That feel good act will make everyone’s serotonin soar.
  4. Donate blood, plasma, or platelets. A single blood donation can save the lives of 3 people. Your plasma donation can be used for cancer, blood diseases, anaemia, heart disease, stomach disease, kidney disease, childbirth, operations, blood loss, trauma, and burns. Each take less than hour and you can save someone’s life. How awesome is that! Learn more at
  5. Register as an organ donor. One minute of your time to register as a donor could transform the lives of 10 or more people. You can register at
  6. Say something positive on social media or in comments. Most of us have a knee jerk reaction to leave a negative comment or complaint on social media, but instead of joining the internet trolls, say something positive instead.
  7. Hold the door open. A simple door held open for the person coming out or going in plus a bonus smile could make someone’s day.
  8. Give a virtual hug. Have you been thinking about someone? Know someone’s going through a tough time? Send them a text, give them a call, or message them through social media to say “hello and I’m thinking about you”.
  9. Let someone go ahead of you. We’ve all been in that queue that is 50 kilometres long, but if you have a frazzled parent with a toddler who has reached anti-nap mode, lt them jump in front of you. It’ll not only save your ears from a crying child, it could easily make the parent’s day better by getting their little one home and in bed pronto.
  10. Lend a helping hand. Volunteer at your favourite shelter, give an hour at your grandchild’s school for drop off, or help out at your local RSPCA. Doing good for another or animal will make you feel good.
  11. Cook someone you know a meal. If you know your neighbour’s kid comes home from school to an empty house, offer an after school meal. Maybe a friend or someone you know is struggling with life, a meal made from the heart could do you both good.
  12. Invite a lonely neighbour or friend to coffee. Not only will you have company to join you but you could be the kind soul that shows them the world is nice.
  13. Give your local postman or postwoman a drink. On a cold winter day (or a hot summer day), that drink could warm their bones or refresh them for the last kilometre of mail deliveries.

Do you have a random act of kindess? Share it with other FiftyUp Club members below!

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13 Random Acts of Kindess

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Someone from NSW commented:

I am a home care worker. Go to older peples homes and help with whatever they need. I love it. I also volunteer at a nursing home. I love older people. They often feel ignored. Say something nice to them and see them smile. I saw a lady today with beautful hair and told her. Told a lady in her 80's how much younger she looked and she really did. I am tall and get things from high shelves at stores. Leave spaces at intersections, let cars in. Wish they would all at least give a wave though. Donate items to charity. I don't have much money but I do what I can. Be kind. Linda 

Someone from NSW commented:

Random Acts of Kindness really go a long way. They have the ability to brighten and help someone's day. A small sincere act has the ability to restore a person's faith in fellow humans. Cheer, Happiness, Empathy, Gentleness are qualities that have receded and been replaced with a me mentality. Benevolence in action and deed distributes positivity and humanity. 

Marianne from NSW commented:

Stop and think about how you present when out and about. Both my husband and I will compliment parents about their children, even if they are misbehaving, smile most of the time. We were in the queue to pay for our shopping and the Mum along with her 2 children ahead did not have enough money to buy all their groceries. No junk food amongst what was being purchased, we decided to pay for all her shopping along with our. Even though we are pensioners we felt this lovely woman and her children need a hand up and not criticism. Hopefully it will help her and her children realise that helping others is a good thing. If we are all honest with ourselves, when we do a kindness to someone, even if it is just a smile, we feel very much better. 

Shelia at Fifty Up Club
Shelia at Fifty Up Club from NSW replied to Marianne:

Marianne, this is a beautiful example and you're right a smile goes a long way. I hope you have a very wonderful weekend. 

Someone from WA commented:

opps soz Karen 

Someone from WA commented:

Wouldn't it be wonderful if this was started in small way with children at school not all parents are equipped to do this if schools adopted this early on they would grow up with this and perhaps make our world a happier place. 

Christina from QLD commented:

We're so wonderfully made. We have 'mirror neurons' which means that when we smile or scowl at someone else, they mirror that back to us. So the choice is ours. 

ivan from NSW commented:

There is always one moment in life that changes a person This moment happened to me about 1year ago I now live for life not for wealth I try hard to make people around me know that I am there for them when they need me 

Member from VIC commented:

Give way to a car waiting on your left when in a long line of traffic 

ivan from NSW commented:

I really long to be kind to people I feel the need to try harder Negative people make it hard for me to feel like a good person I need to learn how to move on from them and try to be a better person Today I will focus on that 

Someone from NSW replied to ivan:

I love this! 

Shelia at Fifty Up Club
Shelia at Fifty Up Club from NSW replied to ivan:

This is wonderful to read Ivan. One small act could not only change your day but another's too. I hope your day is filled with nothing but positivity and joy today. 

Someone from SA replied to ivan:

Hi Ivan, realise that it is not about you, because you are doing your best . . . it is about the negative people who will not respond. Leave them to their negativity (but also know that everyone has a 'story' - who knows what has transpired in their life to create such negativity they are clouded by). There is an old saying 'how do you eat an elephant?' the answer 'one bite at a time' . . . life is like that too - just one small step at a time will have you covering miles and miles in no time! Keep one keeping on with your random acts of kindness and see how it WILL brighten SOMEone's day as well as your own. Kind regards, Jan (SA) 

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