Age Care Planning
Most of us have planned for our futures at one point or another, but a lot of us might have not planned for one of the most important things that will happen to all of us: growing older, particularly ageing care.
Though one might not like the idea of age/advance care planning, one does need to think about it because age care planning is very important because you and your family are planning your personal care and health care for when you are older.
Reflect on what is important to you. Some things to consider are:
- How is your current health?
- What does your future hold?
- What are your beliefs about religion/spirituality and does that affect your medical treatment?
- Are there treatments you would not want to have or definitely want to have?
- What is important for you to live well?
- What do you value most in life?
What would you want to happen if:
- Something happened to you
- You cannot recognise or understand your family
- You cannot eat or drink
- You lost your independence and needed help for everything
Consider what life-prolonging treatment you want:
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- Artificial ventilation (breathing machines)
- Tube feeding
- Dialysis (kidney machine)
- Palliative care
After you have done the above, speak to your family, friends, and doctors about what you have thought about.
Appoint a substitute decision maker who will be your voice if you cannot express your decisions yourself.
- When appointing a person to make decisions on your behalf, make sure it is someone you trust.
- Your substitute decision maker must also be over the age of 18.
- Complete a relevant form for your state or territory (link below)
Make sure you have documented your care instructions.
- Write out your care instructions.
- Give those care instructions to your substitute person, health care provider and to anyone who will need to know your plan
When you’re ready, find the forms and requirements for you Age Care Directives below.
ACT | NSW | NT | QLD |
SA | TAS | VIC | WA |
Download a personal care guide HERE or a guide to getting started HERE.
Have you helped someone with age care? Do you have helpful advice? Leave a comment below.