Are You Breaking these Road Rules?
Do you have dirt on your number plate, making it unreadable?
That’ll set you back $415 dollars and 3 demerit points in NSW. If you’re in QLD, that’ll cost you about $341 and in VIC it’s 3 demerit points and $161.
A dirty plate is a costly mistake.
If you park on a footpath in VIC, you’ll pay an $85 fine and a $126 one in QLD.
In NSW, if you drive through a puddle and splash bus passengers you’ll not only get 3 demerit points, but be fined $177 for being an inconsiderate driver especially if you could have avoided making the big splash!
While we know driving in the dark is hard, if you get busted for not turning your lights on you’ll lose 2 demerit points in NSW and in VIC you’ll lose a demerit point and $211 from your wallet.
If your passenger is holding your grandchild instead of securing them in a car seat, you’ll be whacked with 3 demerit points and fined up to $500. In QLD, double the demerits and the fine! Be safe, secure that precious cargo in a car seat until at least the age of four.
The cost of distraction is a costly mistake whether you are drinking coffee, unwrapping your lunch, or changing the music. Taking your eyes off the road can cost you a whopping $600 in WA, $500 in the NT and at least $448 in ACT & NSW.
While driving too fast can give you a fine up to $201 in VIC and possibly 1 demerit point, so can slow driving. In VIC you’ll receive a $289 fine and in NSW you’ll get fined $253 plus get 4 demerit points.
One place where kindness can cost you is if you’re caught trying to warn fellow drivers of a speed camera. NSW has the largest fine at $110 while WA is at $100.
One of the largest fines you’ll receive even with the engine off is sleeping in your car while drunk in QLD. You’ll receive up to a 10 month suspension and a $1,400 fine. Pay for the $20 cab ride and sleep in your own bed.
What road rules breaches have you paid for? Leave a comment below.