Is it safe enough to see our kids and grandkids right now?
Nearing the end of the summer holidays, but maybe nowhere near the defeat of COVID, here are some questions to face.
Many of us are either parents or grandparents with school-age kids pondering returning to the classroom.
Or perhaps with older kids like mine, more likely given their social lives, to pass the virus onto us.
These two graphs tell the story about the different experiences of younger and older groups when it comes to COVID.
Some of us are also the children in this scenario: not a few of us have family in aged care facilities who we may or may not have been able to visit.
The risk seems to have switched from walking past strangers to those we spend more time with indoors, which often means family.
And that makes the balancing act very difficult: we often have to choose between the mental health benefits of seeing loved ones and the physical health benefits of distancing.
When different members of the same household or the same family have different opinions on that choice, it can be awkward or even create outright conflict.
To gauge your thoughts and feelings, below is a short survey to see how we have adapted to the circumstances.
Click here to take the short survey.
I am generally sceptical of many warnings as life, in my experience, rarely lives up to our many fears.
For example, despite two years of the pandemic, figures show just under 10% of Australians have caught the virus.
But how long can we avoid it?
There are predictions COVID, with its trail of disruption, disease, and some death, might be amongst us for the next 5-10 years. That’s sobering. Does that fact alone change your opinion?
The questions in our survey are more about how you have changed your behaviour and what you see in the future - as opposed to blaming politicians, the states etc
We’d love to know what you think.
Click here to take the short survey.
Any information contained in this communication is general advice, it does not take into account your individual circumstances, objectives, financial situation or needs.