The lurks and perks of ageing… what turns you on?
Model and TV presenter Deborah Hutton, reportedly ‘sexy at sixty (and who am I to disagree), has shared her greatest thrill of coming to this distinguished milestone.
Not one to boast about her curves and wrinkle-free complexion, she is “very excited about something accessible to many of us when we turn 60 in NSW at least”.
It’s a Seniors Card! So in Deb’s honour, today I’m asking members what YOU think is the greatest lurk and perk you’ve enjoyed thanks to getting older in life.
Deborah’s excitement is not limited to just presenting a new Find Your Dream Home series on Foxtel or moving out of Sydney’s dress circle to an ‘old bricker’ cottage north of Wollongong.
She’s told the Daily Telegraph she is ‘very excited’ to have a seniors card that offers access to many discounts, including a $2.50 daily cap for public transport.
There’s no means test for the card in NSW, but the eligibility criteria say you must be a permanent resident in the state and, on average, do no more than 20 hours of paid work a week.
I’m sure Deborah’s workload would not breach that limit, but what the hell? I’m aware of other still-working, well-heeled sixty-somethings who make the most of any concession.
So what’s the best lurk and perk you’ve enjoyed through getting older in life?
Does the seniors' card cut it, or is there something even more exciting in store for Deborah?
We’d love to hear your suggestions!