
Report After Report But Will Prices Go Down?

Report After Report But Will Prices Go Down?

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said he will not introduce an emissions trading scheme, despite saying the opposite in 2010, because he wants to keep electricity prices down. The Federal Coalition is considering it’s position amid several reports including the Australian Energy Market Commission’s report (out this week) that suggests the average yearly electricity bill will be jacked up ... read more>
SCAM ALERT from Tech Guide

SCAM ALERT from Tech Guide

There are increasing reports of emails that appear to be sent from AGL Energy but are in fact scam messages that can install malicious software on your computer and hold your files to ransom. According to the website Tech Guide they have been contacted by several readers in the last 24 hours about these bogus emails which claim to contain your latest bill. The messages have links to pay t... read more>
Victorian Energy Providers Investigated over price gouging

Victorian Energy Providers Investigated over price gouging

It’s been a bad news week for our Victorian members this week with households facing a combined electricity and gas bill blowout of up to $310 next year as retailers raise prices. There are a couple of factors at play according to Karen Collier from the Herald Sun. The looming closure of the Hazelwood power plant is being blamed for electricity cost spikes in January, while gas price rises a... read more>
Power prices on the way up but some good news on the way..

Power prices on the way up but some good news on the way..

Whenever we talk about alternatives to high power bills you can bet your bottom dollar (and it will be your bottom dollars if prices continue to rise like they are in Victoria next month!), it will get a lot of attention from members. Great news if you live in Sweden where the government announced this week a new significant incentive for homeowners to install battery packs. Starting this mo... read more>
Watchdog Confirms Energy Switchers Can Save 100’s!

Watchdog Confirms Energy Switchers Can Save 100’s!

A report released this week by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) delivers good news for households in most states and supports our view at the Fiftyup Club that comparing/switching can save you hundreds of dollars a year on your energy costs. Energy customers pay different prices depending on where they live, how much network infrastructure is required to supply energy to them, how much ... read more>