
FiftyUp Facts Petition smashes target in 3 days

FiftyUp Facts Petition smashes target in 3 days

In just 3 days more than 10,000 FiftyUp Club members have signed our petition calling on the Federal Government for greater transparency in health Insurance. With such a huge response from members, we’ve had to set a new target of 15,000 signatures. FiftyUp Club members have been signing the petition and heading to the forum to share their extensive experience […]

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An unforgettable first week in the Chair

An unforgettable first week in the Chair

Fellow Members, Wow! What can I say? Just 72 hours after launching our Health Insurance Petition we have met our target of 10,000 signatures, and we’ve had to set a new target. With the petition open for another two weeks, just imagine how much louder our voice will be in Canberra if we were to go there with 15,000 or […]

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Older Australians paying bigger increases on Health Insurance

Older Australians paying bigger increases on Health Insurance

The FiftyUp Club is today launching a national petition calling on the Federal Government to reveal the real cost of health Insurance for over-50s. Consumers over 50 are paying an average increase of 9.8% on their private health insurance according to a FiftyUp Club health insurance survey of more than 5000 people. That’s one-and-a-half times the national average of 6.2% […]

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RBA says our super fees are too high

RBA says our super fees are too high

Australia’s central bank has said our superannuation fees are too high, ranking us third in the developed world behind only Spain and Mexico. The Reserve Bank of Australia has made a submission to the Federal Government’s financial system inquiry, arguing we need to cut the cost to consumers of our $1.8 trillion superannuation system, The Australian Financial Review reports today. Many Australian […]

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Introducing our new Chairman John Mangos

Introducing our new Chairman John Mangos

Here at the FiftyUp Club we are excited to welcome our new Chairman John Mangos. With over fifty years experience as a consumer and over thirty years working in the media, John will campaign on your behalf to help consumers 50 and over get the offers they deserve. “You only come across a great idea every once in a blue moon, that’s why I’ve […]

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