
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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Tom from NSW commented:

Recently after driving and paying car insurance for all but 50 years and no accidents ( or I might add fines) had a young guy turn in front of me and we collided. Funny part was had finalised a change over for a new car with retirement imminent and one week prior had been advised the new car was ready to pick up - now four days after this accident. Police even said it more than likely be a right off! As the car of "young" age had it insured with NRMA for their nominated figure! The repairs were quoted as $7000 approx - and take up to 6 weeks! New car supplier did not want to wait for repair and trade - refinanced to take on time - NRMA when asked to write off for the $7000 and I would be ok they said no because their nominated figure on insurance was $14000. After talking with them on three occasions still adamant it would be fixed I vented my amazement to no avail. I was then left to sell the car privately with the NRMA being quite inflexible. The final discussion with pick up of repaired car found the final cost to NRMA for repairs was over $10000! So if they had taken my offer request to write off for $7000 they would have saved and saved me the angst and trouble, and extra cost of refinance! 

Jo from NSW commented:

Make businesses aware that our resources are limited 

Jeff from QLD commented:

52 years of paying taxes, registrations, rates etc. Time for big brother to give a little hand up, not a hand out. 

Henry from NSW replied to Jeff:

Jeff: Politicians have to remember that pensions are a right, not a benefit. This club will definitely get discount for us due to the amazing amount of members they have managed to attract. To complement this club I also joined The Seniors Club ( Their main objective is to be represented in Canberra, then start turning our needs into policies. This is something we have never had and we badly need it, wouldn't you say so. 

Pat from NSW commented:

Make businesses aware that we do not have unlimited financial supplies 

Patricia from NSW commented:

Lower prices, discounts and privileges. 

Giuseppe from NSW commented:

We need a little of easy time after so many years dedicated to work . 

Henry from NSW replied to Giuseppe:

Giuseppe: You are quite correct. This is why I also joined The Seniors Party ( They are looking at being represented in Canberra to assist us seniors with our needs. Not bad, eh! 

Marie from NSW commented:

Giving consumers over 50 to have the possibility to ease a little the pressure of the day to day living expenses, insurances for homes and cars, electricity accounts that are sky high and we have to watch not to use it to be able to afford it. 

Colin from QLD commented:

Oi! I am not putting myself down by saying that I live in the bush. Like most out here we feel more advantaged than those who, in ignorance, believe that the city is the only place to live. But the reality is that one of the benefits of living in the bush is cheaper prices. I'd settle for fresh vegies! 

Henry from NSW replied to Colin:

Colin: I like your answer: it's so true. This club will get discount for us due to the sheer amount of members they have managed to attract. Incidentally, I also joined The Seniors Party ( that is looking at being represented in Canberra to turn our needs into policies. I strongly suggest you have a look at their website: they are strongly rural supporters. 

Lisa - Fifty Up Club
Lisa - Fifty Up Club from NSW replied to Henry:

Hi Colin, Thank you for your feedback! You are 100% correct the more people that sign up the more discounts the team here can attract. So far we have gained a great deal of interest looking at the number of people onboard so far. The more the better so we should all keep spreading the word! :-D 

Daniel from NSW commented:

Great Idea..lets hope the over 50's will now get better deals to help ease a little pressure off the day to day living pressures we all face 

Henry from NSW replied to Daniel:

Daniel: I agree with your comments. I found a party called The Seniors Party ( Their main aim is after getting proper representation in Canberra to turn those needs of ours into policies. After I joined I have never looked back. Have a look at their site and read something it's called Declaration of Intentions. 

John from NSW commented:

Henry - Something should be DONE to HELP us ALL 

Henry from NSW replied to John:

John: Please have a look at the following website: I joined this party because of what they believe in and aiming at. It looks sincere. 

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