
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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Fred from NSW commented:

I look forward to testing the possible offers and believe a united group can effect change. Clearly I reflect concerns that we could have our value as a group used as a gain to others ie the organisers of our club. So yes, we will all be looking for significant benefits to arise, not just as a tool to increase revenue to the originators of our club. 

Henry from NSW replied to Fred:

Fred: Yes, I agree with you. Numbers speak louder than words, so this club will get some benefits for us. What they will not be able to get though are those much needed changes to make politicians see us worthwhile human beings and not part of "the forgotten era". I came across a Party that may just do that, providing they get the numbers: it's The Seniors Party ( I joined them and since going into their website and reading a document called Declaration of Intentions makes me believe I have done the right thing. Perhaps you may wish to look at it too. 

Keith from NSW commented:

The grey people shoub be treated like first class customers not second rated citizens’, we have paid our taxes and now we should reap the benefits back and the respect. 

Henry from NSW replied to Keith:

Keith: This is the reason (I believe) why The Seniors Party ( was formed. They want to be represented in Canberra to make a stand on our behalf and to get benefits we badly need. This club is excellent and will get discount for us (if any) by the sheer number of members. The Seniors Club will get the legal side of things. I believe I did the right thing when joining them,. perhaps you may like to have a look at their website and see if it is to your liking. 

Daryl from NSW replied to Keith:

They don't want us around Pal our contributions from here on in will not fit there greed , we have passed our use by date if they could legally ship us off to some deserted island and leave us there they would I think . Look out the future is on its way lethal injection after a certain age perhaps who knows ,we'll we won't be around to see it happen . They don't care about the dollars we have put into this country that's all behind us they only look ahead at how much they can make from us from here on in . regards ,Daryl . 

Susan from NSW commented:

Better service in all shops..not being ignored by someone serving in their teens or early twentys 

Robert from NSW replied to Susan:

Hi susan I hope, really hope that in time there is a sign on the door of the shops 50 up club friendly and you can show a card just like the seniors card and get the service we want and deserve. I also feel we need a shame system to tell us all which shops / corporation / service provider do not give discounts and or serve us all wrong so we can make an informed decision not to visit those establishments if we wish, anyway just a thought. Eg store xxxxxx what happened when it happened any explanation . We will always get the bums but give them a go to fix a problem. 

Fred from NSW replied to Robert:

Good work, Robert. We have a right to praise as well to criticise. 

Bobby -Robert
Bobby -Robert from NSW replied to Fred:

yes but fred you really should not criticise it is not right and then your called names like terrorist, winger ,old fart, simpleton or racist... 

Someone from NSW commented:

Bob from NSW has provided the the same comments I was having.Hoping this will really be advantageous for over fifties 

edith from NSW commented:

more shops displaying Senior Discount.. and giving us the discount 

Robert from NSW replied to edith:

how do you get a seniors card when you are a senior but the system does not recognise you are as you still work would I be classed as greedy and un australian to expect a change ... 

Franco from NSW commented:

better deal on all utilities and stopping banks from making you link accounts for no benefit to yourself 

Kathleen from NSW commented:

I would like to see discounts and tailored programs in the area of telecommunications. 

Patricia from NSW commented:

More benefits for Self-funded Retirees. 

John from NSW replied to Patricia:

I agree, I have worked ever since I was 11 years old and have never been on any government dole when out of work, I just kept doing whatever it took to find work, often doing two jobs. Now after years of going without and plenty of hard work I have 2 properties that give me an income, just enough so that I get no assistance especially in medical and medicines while friends get a heap of assistance and are financially better off in their every day living than I am. I still have to do casual work whenever I can to help pay the bills 

Alan from NSW replied to John:

John, you walk in my shoes. It is a bit like a handicap horse race, the better you perform the more the ruling bodies try to stop you succeeding, where under or non-performance receives assistance. Notwithstanding my desire to not want to draw down on the public purse I do from time to time wonder if I should have taken those overseas trips instead of adding to my Super. 

Colin from QLD commented:

Not really sure. I doubt that it will be much value to us living in the Bush. 

Lisa - Fifty Up Club
Lisa - Fifty Up Club from NSW replied to Colin:

Hello Colin, We appreciate your feedback! Everybody who is 50 and above is welcome to join up to the Fifty Up Club. I have been signing up people all over NSW as well as the other states. The more interest gained now the better the discount possibilities for the future! :-D 

Henry from NSW replied to Colin:

Colin: Don't put yourself down because you are from the bush. I found a party called The Seniors Party ( that wishes to integrate rural people to their books to learn their needs and when represented in Canberra can turn these needs into policies. Get you country mates to have a good look at it, I did and I joined (no fees for the first year) and I have not looked back. Remember: the worst business is the one you don't try. Good luck! 

Robert from NSW commented:

I would like to see free car registration for over 55's 

Henry from NSW replied to Robert:

Robert; And free public transport. There is a party called The Seniors Party ( that wishes to do exactly that. This is why I joined them and I haven't looked back since. This club will certainly get us discounts - numbers count - The Seniors Party will transform some of the other wishes (like free car rego and free transport) into policies to incorporate them for voting. Not bad, eh? 

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