
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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Someone from NSW commented:

savings on household bills as well as realistic car insurance policies, including green slips. 

maree from NSW commented:

savings and member buying power would be great. the benefits of this could be awsome to us all 

Henry from NSW replied to maree:

Maree: I believe there are fronts to be part of: this Club that will definitely get discount for us, and The Seniors Party ( that looks to get represented in Canberra. Both together in your pocket and mine makes up a mighty force, wouldn't you say so? 

lyn from NSW commented:

have applied for part time jobs wish companies would reply. 

Jackie from NSW commented:

Kim, Thank you for your suggestions. I'll try doing that. Energy Australia told me that my bill was about $800, 2 years ago at this time of year. Due to the 40% increase in their charges, hence my bill is now $1150. However, I'll change to another provider. Being a pensioner is very hard to pay that kind money just for electricity. Regards Jackie Chan. 

Alfred from NSW commented:

I wonder how many members who still send cards at Christmas overseas have found out it will now cost $2.55 for international stamps that is a price rise of nearly aDollar, it seems Joe Hockey has got to balance the budget somehow by hitting people with a new tax, who elected these morons 

Henry from NSW replied to Alfred:

Alfred: I no longer post Christmas cards, I go to the internet and look for free Christmas cards. Try, you will not be disappointed.. Also I must tell you I joined The Seniors Party (, they are looking at get representation in Canberra and this is something we seniors desperately need. 

Barbara from NSW commented:

Living 33 km from the nearest town it would be nice to be able to afford to have some spare money to enjoy a night out every now and again.House and car insurance plus green slips take a great chunk out of my pension plus electricity.. 

Helene from NSW commented:

It would also be nice for those of us in rural/semi rural areas to receive benefits/discounts/special offers that are valid in our area - on more occasions than not these benefits are really only for those in the city/metropolitan areas as the suppliers only operate in those areas, or the benefit is not extended to regional areas - perhaps suppliers could consider joint promotions in regional areas. 

Henry from NSW replied to Helene:

Helena, I joined The Seniors Party (, because one of their aims is to assist those in rural areas. They would like to get representation in Canberra to really make a difference and stop this total lack of support us seniors seem to get everywhere we go. 

Henry from NSW replied to Helene:

Helena, I joined The Seniors Party (, because one of their aims is to assist those in rural areas. They would like to get representation in Canberra to really make a difference and stop this total lack of support us seniors seem to get everywhere we go. 

Helene from NSW commented:

Would be nice to receive realistic discounts on goods & services that are more in tune with my lifestyle & needs, as well as discounts not applicable to me as I do not have a seniors card. 

Teresa from NSW commented:

Discounts that I usually wouldn't get! Every bit counts! 

John from QLD commented:

Medical bills are a big drain on our monthly income 

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