
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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Nerrel from NSW commented:

I can't wait to retire. To be able to hook up a caravan and see this great country of ours. To jump on a plane and visit other exciting places on this wonderful planet. Why shouldn't I be able to do these things that I am not able to do whilst working? We don't all earn 6 figure salaries and have nannies, cooks, cleaners to enjoy a different life of the privileged. I for one am sick to death of the politicians getting everything to set themselves up for life and us workers getting nothing. Well to hell with them. They can't even run the country properly. They make my blood boil. 

Dawn from WA replied to Nerrel:

I agree Nerrel - especially when so many of the younger gen seem to be able to take time off & do what they want to do. For us it was leave school and work - no gap year, dole or anything else, and now we're expected to just keep on working - that's if we can find work at our age!! 

Patricia from QLD commented:

I wasnt surviving very well on the pension so I have found myself a one day a week payed position doing office admin like I did before I was retired. I am enjoying it as well as keeping my typing skills alive and my old grey cells working. Im 68. 

John from NSW commented:

If this woman Ms Ryan, Federal Age Discrimination Commissioner, was not serious I would think it all a joke, however she is serious. Lets bring back the retiring to 65 as it was when I started work and give our kids a go, there is a lot of young talent out there but can't get on because some old fart is hanging on to their $1000. + pay each week, and will I can still type without getting tick off, maybe the politicians that have been voted out both state and federal should take a cut in their lurks and perks or forego their pension if under 65 and get a job that would cut the federal spending, as well as these commissioners who like tell us what we should do. Come on you fellow baby boomers enjoy your grandkids, get out and enjoy life, remember the life span 3score plus 10 (70). I'm 60 this year self employed photographer doing it hard because of age and facing the fact that a young bride would like someone younger to photograph their not a grandfather looking person. I have also have a back injury and employers don't want to know you for the two reasons my back and my age. I agree with the comments below but I have to go now I'm getting worked up, what a joke leave our pension alone and cut the waste that governments seem to like. 

Maree from QLD replied to John:

Agree John bring the age pension down to 65 and gets the kids off the dole and working 

John from NSW replied to Maree:

Onya Maree, it's looks like we are not alone with one, good to see you have decided to enjoy life 

Katrina from QLD commented:

Apart from anything else thousands of us baby boomers have worked all our lives, brought up our children without all the current handouts and are now looking after grandchildren unpaid, before and after school and in the holidays while our children work. We also do a lot of voluntary work which the younger generation do not have the time to do, so why should we not enjoy a few years of retirement? Usually it is the politicians trying to cut pensions etc. when most of them collect a very nice sum of money themselves after a very short time as a State or Federal member, it's time that their benefits were cut to match the majority of the population as they certainly look after themselves first 

Christopher from QLD commented:

almost 61 and still working full time in the mining industry, i am told there is no such thing as discrimination when your white and also Australian, i also agree with most of the suggestions on this site we Australians are a minority now and our Polititions have allowed this country to be destroyed in the name of greed. I was taught charity starts at home. We are making everybody else rich with our minerals and destroying what little industry and manufacturing we have left. I think the horse has bolted and the inevitable will happen we will all have to pray to Allah or eat rice i don't like either option. Wake Up Australia!!!!!! 

Kerry from QLD commented:

Corporations run Australia and Australia is listed on New York Stock exchange. Why would an American corporation want to pay aged welfare. Why is our constitution not havimg legislation in Qld checked against it. 

Terry from QLD commented:

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. I have worked every year of my working life (48 years) but have been made redundant three times during that time and I have been forced to use up any super accumulated just to support my family of 5 and keep the family roof over our heads. I have always exercised and played sport and looked after my health as best I could, yet due to a spinal injury 5 years ago while on holiday, it has resulted in partial disability despite 3 operations over that time and has ensured there is no super left for retirement. I have just turned 65 yet I have been able to hang on to my job all through this ordeal, although I can only do 25 hours per week now. This is still a big help towards the pension, but I just think that due to my work ethics, I have both contributed and saved this country a lot of money over the years and it would be nice to receive a helping hand for those like me who do their best to support themselves in the workforce. Instead of throwing in the towel after 3 redundancies, plus a devastating injury, I have managed to carry on without requesting any assistance from Centrelink, but now as I find the struggle getting increasingly harder with age, it wouldn’t hurt the country too much to give a little bit of a hand up (not a hand out) as I continue to try and enjoy my remaining years. There used to be an incentive for those who chose to work on past retirement age if the pension claim was postponed for a year or two longer but the government have even stopped that now! Instead they are changing the rules with a big stick and forcing people to work longer. It’s OK for them in office who have ‘office’ jobs that can be easily done behind the desk, but they don’t seem to give a damn for those who have a ‘real’ job! Our bodies can’t just go on forever. But then I guess they know that and are hoping to wear us out before we get to the new retirement age. That means they don’t have to pay the pension at all then eh! 

Deborah from NSW commented:

Are we supposed to drop dead at our desks? Perhaps the Politicians could accept a pay cut in order to finance some of their spending? How about we cut what we send to Indonesia - It's not as thought they appreciate our assistance or have any regard for Australia anyway. 

Frances from NSW commented:

Get rid of him ! 

scottie from QLD commented:

Here we go, how about this, let's stop spending millions on boat people, let's stop spending millions on aid to overseas corrupt governments, let's kick X retired politicians off the gravy train, let's stop propping huge businesses with C E O s that get paid millions to walk around with there head up there butt. Hell ! the list is endless, there's so many my head spins just thinking about them,I am only 68 maybe I should just go back to work. Yes I should feel dreadful guilt on the pension, after all I was 15 before I even started to do full time work, and I would be willing to bet there are people out there who started work long before me. 

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