
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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Manfred from NSW commented:

access to bulk buying power to get a better deal on goods services for all members ps Great deals on new car prices would be really appreciated also 

Marion from QLD commented:

I would love to see that the Insurance Companies see that we do not need to be used to supplement the younger generation for their reckless driving and other things they expect to sue for. I feel that our electricity is way to high and again we should not supplement the larger users of power , that there should be a tariff set for those who fit into the 50 up club; and let the ones that use the greater power have a tariff set for them and maybe in the long term the larger companies and other larger users of power will learn to cut down on power usage and the arguments of the powers to be will realize that the ozone layer blame does not belong to the lower power users. I also feel that the Insurance Policies should be explained better to those who do not understand what coverage that they are paying for. Lots of people are not covered for the damage of " Natural Disasters ", flood victims. The meaning of water damage from floods. " Does it even matter, the rain came from the sky and caused excess water to cause this damage. That should be how it is classed. That is where the water came from.... the sky!!!! So why is there so much paperwork created and none payments given." I have a concern that may bring some not so good feedback; however I feel I need to say something. I know that the over 70's need to have medicals before they get their license renewed, I also feel that they need to go for a drivers test to prove their ability to drive. Somewhere that is not in the area that they live. This may be Government Subsidy Driven so as to reduce the cost of this being put into place and maybe the age lifted to 75 or even 80. I just feel that in my family there a far to many of my family members driving that SHOULD NOT BE ON THE ROAD !!!! Kind regards Marion. 

Rosy from QLD commented:

Great job now we just need to get the word out there so that all states can benefit from cheaper insurance 

john from NSW commented:

signed with coles before 50 club mentioned it,now coles are advertising ,it is alan jones advertising for singleton ,nothing for pensioners except for being used. 

Henry from NSW replied to john:

John: You are so right. I was lucky that I found a Party that truly cares for pensioners, it's The Seniors Party ( Their main aim is to get representation in Canberra - something we need badly! - and start assisting us with our needs. Tho start with they want to convey to those politicians out there we don't wish to be "the forgotten group" any more, we worked hard all of our life and now they all want to take our pensions to cover their errors, not ours!. Please have a look at it, I think you will think you need it too. And if you like it, so will your friends. Good luck! 

Leonie from NSW commented:

To be recognised for the important contributions that we make on a daily basis to community and the economy. In some shops we are often invisible customers and not attended to promptly, but online everyone is invisible and given the same service. Fifty up is a doorway to better service as well as discounts. 

Henry from NSW replied to Leonie:

Leonie: "Better service and discounts" you say. I say this plus. I found a Party that is looking at get representation in Canberra to fight for the over 50's needs, it's called The Seniors Party ( I went into their website and what I read I liked very much, so I joined them. I get a great monthly newsletter from them full of news. The most important thing this Party has given me is hope, hope that we will be recognised for the long contribution we have made for this wonderful country of ours. Please go into their website and see what I saw. And if you like it, so will your friends. Good luck! 

Someone from NSW commented:

Anonymous from NSW replied to Grace: I left several comments but this site is heavily CENSORED (the trick consists in showing only 2 pages of comments...) , the plot is about making money for essentially Macquarie Radio, One Big Switch and Coles, beware... For example the $100 discount is only valid for the 1st year (what insurance co. want is capture your business, that is critical for their success since the loyalty -or so- guarantees the many $ for the many years to come...) . Please, read the fine print before committing and compare, for example again, many insurance co. have competitive premiums , e.g. Progressive Insurance, etc... It is also about time we react to the Coles/Woolworths duopoly, or we are 'dead meat'... 

Someone from NSW commented:

I am writing about comments left in the 'One Big Switch' page... 

Marion from QLD commented:

I Totally agree Anonymous, There is so much we do not understand and when we go to speak to these companies either personally or over the phone, they speak so fast and so enthusiastic about their product that they fail terribly to even listen to the questions that the customer: YOU. are asking and need to be explained until understood. I am so over the attitude that gets put across and this is for all age groups NOT just US. I also agree about the problems that Coles / Woolworths duopoly as it is impossible to for society to be able to do a fair shop and get fair petrol/diesel/gas. These are our daily needs.!!!!!! Wake up Australia and demand that our governments and mostly at the local level know how we feel. Hound the local member until they stand up for the area that they represent. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kind regards Marion 

Ron from VIC commented:

Support for aged people, Discounted goods 

Henry from NSW replied to Ron:

Ron: I happen to find a Party that is aiming at being represented in Canberra to fight for the needs of all pensioners in this wonderful country of ours, it is called The Seniors Party ( Go into their site and have a look at it. What they have given me already is hope, hope that one day we will be looked like the great human beings that we are and not the "forgotten group". If you like what you see, so will your friends. Good luck! 

Maggie from QLD commented:

We need the Government and big business to realize that we are a power to be reckoned with and need to be looked after as we age and not just ignored because we're older.They need to give us special discounts for being reliable and paying our bills on time so we should be rewarded. 

Henry from NSW replied to Maggie:

Maggie: To be recognised as good human beings once again we need to do something about it. I have by joining The Seniors Party ( Their aim is to get representation in Canberra, something we need badly - and once there make sure politicians hear about us and start to realised we are a great group of very experienced people that still has a lot to offer to this wonderful country of ours. Please have a look at, I think you will what you see. And if you like it so will your friends. 

John from NSW commented:

Get some discount on bills paid for all services 

Kye from NSW commented:

For us older women who live alone and have a pet of one kind or another I'd like to see vet fees reduced plus pet insurance at a more reasonable rate as at present vet fees are very high Thanks Kye Thompson 

Henry from NSW replied to Kye:

Kye: For one pet lover to another have a look at a Party I found, it's called The Seniors Party ( Their aim is to get representation in Canberra (something we need badly) to fight for our needs. They sound and look sincere enough for me to become a member. Please have a look at it too, I think this may just be what you may need. 

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