
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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Someone from NSW commented:

hi my name is jim live in bradbury a suburb of campbelltown was with nrma insured my 2007 hyundai terrican for replacement value $21000 paying $895.20 phoned coles quoted my 50 up now paying fro the same replacement value $21000 $393 thank you 50 up club 

David - FiftyUp Club
David - FiftyUp Club from NSW commented:

Hi Jim, thanks for the feedback. It's great to hear you've saved. 

Joel - FiftyUp Club
Joel - FiftyUp Club from NSW commented:

That's great news Jim. Congratulations! 

Someone from NSW commented:

Then why did Coles quote me $875 on my 2002 Toyota worth $4500? 

Someone from NSW commented:

Why Westpac??? As far as refinancing, UBank, backed by NAB is unbeatable, 4.62% is currently their standard variable rate, why go anywhere else? Perhaps 'cause they only offer an online service? I want to read your comments... 

Someone from NSW commented:

I've just turned 50 & look forward to receiving the benefits someone of my age deserves 

Henry from NSW commented:

Anonymous: You will, this club has the numbers and numbers speak loud and clear. I would strongly suggest you look at The Seniors Party ( They are looking at getting representation in Canberra. They are also looking at getting young blood such as yourself to see the Party continuing into the future. Please have a look at it, you won't be disappointed. 

Someone from NSW commented:

Another very serious catch is what follows, pasted from "terms & conditions": "Coles Insurance pays a fee of about $30 for every FiftyUp Club member who takes up the special offer. This fee is shared between consumer network One Big Switch and Macquarie Radio Network." Get the plot, now? 

Henry from NSW commented:

Anonymous: The days of a "free lunch" are by far past. Everything is a business, this one at least is doing something positive by getting discounts for all of us and they will due to the amount of members they have. In my case I am having a "free lunch" with The Seniors Party ( I joined them, it cost me nothing (free membership for the first year) and they are fighting to get representation in Canberra to turn our needs into policies, then push them to be passed. you are of a strong character, something this Party needs. Have a look at it, you will not be disappointed. 

Keith from NSW commented:

Keith again. The pension age should remain at 65. Those who wish to work longer should feel free to do without being discriminated against. 

Someone from NSW replied to Keith:

I agree 

Henry from NSW replied to Keith:

Keith: This is the reason I am now a member of The Seniors Party ( Once they get represented in Canberra will be fighting for these issues and the sooner the better: look at what hockey wants to do, not only he would like to decrease the $ value of the pension he also wants to increase the age where one is eligible for it. NOT ON, MATE! Have a look at this Party, I think you will like it. 

Someone from NSW commented:

As far as the 'fiftyup' club, can I hereby express some reservations? 'One Big switch' is not a new commercial venture, it 'pushes' a well known energy supplier, quite agressively, actually, with very little in it for the person who will switch to their brand, do the comparison yourselves, or let me know if I am wrong and the saving is really substantial... As far as our Insurance offer from Coles, why Coles, the dinosaure with a foot in every category of business? One of the two giants in Australia forming that lethal duopoly for us the consumer? Could other insurance companies be approched, please? 

Joel - FiftyUp Club
Joel - FiftyUp Club from NSW commented:

Hi Anonymous. FiftyUp Club is a joint initiative of One Big Switch and Macquarie Radio, as the website says. One Big Switch has used people power to unlock several special offers on electricity from a range of suppliers - including Click Energy, EnergyAustralia, Power Direct, AGL and Simply Energy. And we do talk to other insurers, of course - Coles Insurance made the best offer for our members on car insurance, so they won the day, but we hope there will be many more offers and they will come from whichever provider makes the best offers in future. 

Someone from NSW replied to Joel - FiftyUp Club:

"Best offers in future", you write, Joel, can I please, ask you: Best offers for 'One Big Switch' & Macquarie Radio', or best offers for us, the fiftyup club member? 

Keith from NSW commented:

Keith here. Got a quote from Coles comprehensive car insurance and all good. I note though that it is only good for the first year ??? 

Someone from NSW replied to Keith:

"good for the first year...."??? That would be a very serious 'catch'... 

Joel - FiftyUp Club
Joel - FiftyUp Club from NSW replied to Keith:

That's right Keith, unfortunately it's standard in insurance to only quote for a year because if you have an at-fault accident and make a claim, for example, your premium could change. 

Someone from NSW commented:

Hi, Looking for employers that respect and appreciate that you still have a lot to offer despite being over 50. Soon to be unempl;oyed and want to keep working. 

Paul from NSW commented:

Would like to receive weekly newsletter with new and existing discounts/deals etc 

David - FiftyUp Club
David - FiftyUp Club from NSW replied to Paul:

Hi Paul, we send out a weekly newsletter and will send out extra emails whenever we have offers available. 

Henry from NSW replied to Paul:

Paul: I get monthly newsletters from The Seniors Party (, they are very informative and I believe as a senior made the right decision to join. Being a member of this club will get me the discounts I need (they have the numbers), being a member of The Seniors Party will give me representation in Canberra to ensure my needs are met and they stop Hockey making all sorts of savings using seniors pensions and benefits to do so. Have a look at this Party, I think you will find it to your benefit. 

Fred from NSW commented:

Sorry me again, on a roll up and listening to Adam Spencer's last day on 702 before switching to Ray. Which bank will not be charging us ( 50 uppers ) ATM fees for using other ATMs. Now Singo and team target a bank or two. If there is a bank or two, we could be persuaded to use their cards. I'm hot: get that bank to give a lower credit card interest rate to the 50 uppers. 

Henry from NSW replied to Fred:

Fred: I am with you here! Numbers will speak and those large banks will listen. I joined The Seniors Party ( to be represented in Canberra, where laws are made and others erased. Have a look at their site, you will find it very interesting, particularly now that they are offering free membership for the first year. You will not be disappointed. 

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