
News$700k worth of savings tips from the government
$700k worth of savings tips from the government

$700k worth of savings tips from the government

Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, you would have noticed all the talk about energy prices. If you have been off the grid (pun intended), there’s no hiding from your energy bill, which will find you eventually. 

And so will the Federal Government’s latest $700,000 ad campaign!

Launched this month, the Powering Forward Campaign reportedly cost tax-payers $300,000 for 60 seconds of airtime during the AFL & NRL Grand Finals, and as much as $700,000 in fees to a Melbourne ad agency.

There's some useful information buried in there, but it's hidden behind propaganda pushing the government's energy policy credentials.

What do you think of the campaign?

Our take? The website contains some useful info for people wanting to save on power bills, for example it links to the Energy Made Easy comparison site and the Victorian Switchon site to compare offers.

It also contains energy efficiency tips for households, which can be handy.

But all that useful stuff is buried behind the silly “powering forward” slogan and some bumph about the Government’s Snowy Hydro 2.0 and gas reservation policies.

They’re important, but we’d like to see the moneysaving info up front and centre!

Here’s something else you can do to save.

A couple of months back, the Fiftyup Club started our Power-Up Campaign,  which now boasts a staggering 50,000 registrations nationally That tells us that you do want to do something about energy prices even if it’s just to send a message to power companies that enough is enough.

While Australia may rank second in the world for quality-of-life, we rate first in the world for the highest energy prices. Data from the Carbon + Energy Markets' MarkIntell service says we’re ahead of Germany, Denmark and Italy with 4 Australian states in the top ten (click here to see the list).

This despite Australia having every energy resource available in the world including coal, wind, solar, nuclear and sea-water hydro power.

What can you do? It’s as easy as picking up the phone, calling your energy retailer and asking for a better deal. Don’t take no for an answer. The energy market has never been so competitive and you can get results, with many members reporting savings in the hundreds of dollars.

Click here to see the latest Fiftyup Club energy offers, extended for a limited time only



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SUSAN GILLIAN from QLD commented:

The family home should be totally exempt. People choose the investment option of home ownership and they hope their investment will grow with no allowance for deductions. They add value to their investment by maintaining it and adding improvements/renovations - all non tax deductible. If the rules are to be changed then home owners need to be able to claim deductions for the cost of improvements and maintenance i.e. mow the lawn each week - claim. Water the property - claim. Add a room - claim. 

Ian from QLD commented:

Good one Anne.. 1 Hour on and I am still laughing. 

Ian from QLD commented:

Good one Anne.. 1 Hour on and I am still laughing. 

Someone from NSW commented:

As may have said politicians still enjoy an FBT free 'packaging of their remuneration and have a very remunerated superannuation scheme. But the greater community has also to take some of this burden. I am over 60 but would still agree to a cap of say $100,000 or thereabouts as an annual tax free income . Tax at lower rates above that. Yes consider the first house as part of your asset base for pensions. Limit the negative gearing amounts to a flat amount. Its a unique Australian incentive whereby there is no or limited help in getting your first house but if you are rich you get a tax leg up for your second house onwards. Having lived in other countries this is Crazy! And YES all of the citizens of the "western' countries need to get off this welfare mentality. Some one has to pay taxes to support these handouts! 

Jennifer from NSW commented:

I realise we need to find ways to save money and cut back so why do we pay for MP's well after they have so called retired. There is so many privileges we pay for these retired MP's. The rest of us go out on our superannuation or pension and have to just use that. They not just get the pay out but all the frills to go with it. Not just one but all of them year after year and it goes on until they die. They only have to spend one term in Government to get all these privileges. 

Someone from QLD commented:

It's interesting to see politician reducing the benefit and some should be reduced but the pension leave it. Who's this stop the politician for being In tittle to getting there superannuation until their 65 one other thing keep it up LNP and you will never see a second term 

Laureen from QLD commented:

I received this email, my previous post, that is being forwarded to all who are interested. I have condensed it down because of too many characters to fit into comment box. However I think it gives the message. 

Laureen from QLD commented:

I paid good money for my Pension and other benefits. Just because they borrowed that money, doesn't make my benefits some kind of charity or hand-out. Gold plated MP pensions and Civil Service Government benefits, aka free healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, 20 weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days, now that's welfare, and they have the nerve to call me a 'greedy pensioner' and my retirement, an 'entitlement'... Someone please tell me what the HELL is wrong with all the people that run this country We're "broke" & can't help our own Pensioners, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc., but spent 1.2 billion $$$'s for G-20 events! In the last few months we have provided aid to India, Greece and Turkey . And now Afghanistan , Pakistan ..... home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of Dollars Our retirees living on a 'fixed income', receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organisations pour Hundreds of Billions of $$$$'s and tons of food to foreign countries. They call Old Age Security and Healthcare an entitlement even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives, and now when it's time for us to collect, the government is running out of money. Why did the government borrow from it in the first place? AUSTRALIA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, hospitals being closed, average income families who can't afford dental care, elderly going without 'needed' meds and having to travel hundreds of miles for medical care with no reimbursement of cost, vehicles we can't afford fuel for, lack of affordable housing, and mentally ill without treatment - etc., etc. They have a 'benefit' for the people of foreign countries...ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothes, bedding, doctors, and medical supplies. Imagine if the GOVERNMENT gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries. 

Lorraine from QLD replied to Laureen:

Well put Laureen from Qld 

Someone from NSW commented:

Here Here Kent I agree! Phase out all the pollies benefits. They are voted out and they get a huge golden hand shake for their retirment. My husband and I are a childless working couple contributing to the tax system and get "zip"! the curent govt when voted out should offer to pay the farmers what they will get when turfed out! Yes scale doiwn all the benefits to the current generation but the baby boomers really have done their bit! 

keith from QLD commented:

Why is it that living in Queensland as a pensioner we do not get as many entitlements as other States ? i.e in NSW they get one car registration "free" 

Beverley from NSW replied to keith:

Think car rego is a state "gift/concession" Keith. Checked online and as I read it, believe there is a form you can fill out and submit with your pension card for discount. Hope this helps and it is right! :) 

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