5 Energy Saving Tips
As winter approaches, here are 5 easy energy saving tips that will help keep the cost of your energy bill down.
Click here to see FiftyUp Club energy discounts.
1. BE PREPARED TO SWITCH: Even if you’ve switched before, sometimes it only takes a year for a good plan to become a bad one. It could be costing you hundreds more - and switching only takes a few minutes. Grab your energy bill and compare it to the current FiftyUp Club energy discount.
2. SEAL THE GAPS AND CRACKS: Don’t let the cold in or the heat out! Check your windows, doors, floors, and walls gaps, cracks, and more. Sealing one tiny gap or crack could easily save you money!
3. HEAVY CURTAINS: Those beautiful sheer curtains that let the summer sun and breeze in is nice but they can also let the winter cold in. As the temperature drop, Invest in a heavier curtain for the winter months. You can be stylish and save on your energy bill.
4. ONLY HEAT ROOMS YOU USE: This may seem like a no brainer, but if you’re not using that home office daily (or often) then why are you spending time heating it? Close the doors to rooms you don’t use. Heat the ones you do.
5. CEILING FAN: Do you remember the lesson from school, “hot air rises, cold air sinks”? Switch your ceiling fan rotation to push the hot air down.
Check out what the current special energy offer for FiftyUp Club members can save you.