
NewsSavings Tips
Training your brain to save more

Training your brain to save more

Saving more money, it’s something most of us would like to do but a lot of us struggle. A new report from the University of Melbourne claims we can train our brains into saving more money….but it involves taking a look at yourself… in the future. Basically the research found that when it comes to money, our brains try to persuade us to spend now for an immediate reward rather than save for t... read more>
Save $4000 A Year By Quitting Alcohol

Save $4000 A Year By Quitting Alcohol

A recent article in Fairfax caught my attention. It was the story of Kate Robertson who saved $4000 a year by quitting alcohol. Forced to quit because of medication, Kate recalls “after a few dry months, I realised there was a benefit I hadn't considered – I had a lot more money.”  We all know how much you can save by cutting out the daily coffee, but cutting back on alcoholic beverages? Sur... read more>
The Steaks Have Never Been Higher!

The Steaks Have Never Been Higher!

The steaks (pun intended) have never been higher when it comes to meat prices..beef prices at an all time high with eye fillet at $50 a kilo, mince has doubled and Australia is the 5th largest meat consumer in the world on a per capita basis.  When you’re trying to save money at the checkout, you may find that meat is your most expensive purchase. We love a traditional lamb roast once a week... read more>
Good News and Bad News

Good News and Bad News

As the financial year draws to a close, there’s good news and bad news. Bad news you’ll need to file a tax return if you’re working. The good news is, this time of year is one of the two best times to save money on a buying a car. Remember, though, Australian car companies are beholden to the financial year of wherever their parent company is based, not our own. The Japanese financial year, for... read more>
Top 5 Money saving tips from Michelle

Top 5 Money saving tips from Michelle

If you're looking to save a little more cash and clear up your debts it might be time to look back at what you're spending your money on.  Having the wrong home loan or car insurance and not paying your bills on time could all be contributing to that widening hole in your wallet. But even smaller things like not writing a shopping list or buying lunch at work each day could also worsen yo... read more>