
Over-50's are Open-Minded when it comes to Negative Gearing: Survey

Over-50's are Open-Minded when it comes to Negative Gearing: Survey

Older Australians are open-minded about changes to negative gearing suggested by the RBA, despite the Treasurer ruling it out. A survey this year of close to 13,000 FiftyUp Club members found 1 in 4 agreed with Mr Hockey and believed it should be left alone. But an overwhelming majority of 66% said some change was necessary when asked; “Should negative gearing be scaled back or aban... read more>
Why it pays to know more about your credit card and why too many pay too much

Why it pays to know more about your credit card and why too many pay too much

Today we have a dizzying choice between 250 credit cards offered by 100 different brands, albeit with 80% issued by the big banks, and credit limits exceeding $10,000. It seems hard to believe amidst all the hullabaloo about credit cards and exorbitant interest rate charges that we’ve only had them since 1974. Many FiftyUp members have grown up with these ingenious financial instrum... read more>
Turn off the Beer Fridge: 5 Ways to be Energy Savvy

Turn off the Beer Fridge: 5 Ways to be Energy Savvy

Over-50s represent more than half of Australia’s buying power and when it comes to being energy efficient and saving money on household bills, they stand to benefit more than any other group. It is hard to believe, but a recent survey of 3,500 FiftyUp Club households found more than half are switching off their heaters, and suffering in the cold, in order to cut their electricity ... read more>
Help us tell the court what electricity consumers really think

Help us tell the court what electricity consumers really think

It’s crunch time for the future of your power bills and the difference this time is we can do something about it by collecting together our views. If you’re fed up, as I believe many of us are, with others deciding what is in our best interests we are in a position as rarely before to let them hear it from the horses’ mouth. Networks NSW is fighting power price cuts of $... read more>
Our 4 Simple Financial New Year’s Resolutions

Our 4 Simple Financial New Year’s Resolutions

The start of the financial year isn’t marked by any fireworks, but unlike the dawn of the calendar year it’s a much better time to make money-based resolutions. Most NYE-inspired goals bite the dust quickly and it’s statistically easier to resolve to save your money than lose weight or stop smoking. There’s no end of lists of things we all should do around our fina... read more>