
When to start retirement planning? Yesterday!

When to start retirement planning? Yesterday!

If you are a true 50Up and haven’t started seriously financial planning for your retirement, it may be too late. To use the cliché, 40 is the new 60, which means you need to start strategizing for retirement savings sooner, not later. Some retirement planners surveyed 3000 people and, on average, found they were aged 61 before they were preparing for life after work. By then, it’s not ... read more>
What does the ‘wealth gap’ mean to you?

What does the ‘wealth gap’ mean to you?

If the wealth gap between the younger and older generations is widening and on account of age you are a beneficiary, does being richer make you necessarily feel ‘better off’? With crazy house price rises, it may depend on having children, and they could need recourse to the Bank of Mum and Dad to buy their own home. So where might many FiftyUp Club members, who are likely to be both homeo... read more>
The paranormal - is it the new normal?

The paranormal - is it the new normal?

I don’t believe in the existence or ability of spirits, psychics, or astrology, but should I try and understand better those who do? It’s a delicious and divisive question raised by a new book that has got me thinking about superstitions… and maybe you too. It’s especially relevant as the uncertainty and lack of control highlighted by COVID may have driven more of us to rely on divination... read more>
That Post-Lockdown Feeling

That Post-Lockdown Feeling

Even the best of news, such as the end of lockdowns and easing of restrictions, can provoke mixed emotions such as ‘Was it all worth it?’ So how do you feel now about these small wins that governments are announcing? Do they appear to be the beginning of the end or, as Churchill put it, the end of the beginning? Or perhaps - if you live outside NSW and VIC - you think it’s a step too far ... read more>
What are you going to do now that we are all becoming ‘freer’

What are you going to do now that we are all becoming ‘freer’

We hear endlessly about the ‘new normal’, usually in terms of the broader economy and population-wide changes to how we will do business ahead. But what about us as individuals, the so-called microeconomic level? All of us have either been locked down or restricted in our movements. Slowly but surely, that regime is ending. So how do you think your everyday habits may change due to the pa... read more>