
10 ways to get fit without getting ripped (off)

10 ways to get fit without getting ripped (off)

We’ve had some members ask us to source discounted gym memberships for FiftyUps. We’ll see what we can do, but in the meantime here are our tips for getting fit without paying exorbitant membership fees. 1. Interested in joining a gym but keen to avoid wall-to-wall meatheads? Many gyms offer free trial sessions. Or check out sites like GymLink, where […]

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The end of the Age of Entitlement: What it means for you

The end of the Age of Entitlement: What it means for you

“The age of entitlement is over,” declared federal Treasurer Joe Hockey last week. “The age of personal responsibility has begun.” This message from the Federal Government is on high rotation at the moment, used to justify a range of decisions, from refusing assistance to the automotive industry to foreshadowing cuts to the welfare system. What’s the debate likely to mean […]

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Members save big on quality Life Insurance for FiftyUps

Members save big on quality Life Insurance for FiftyUps

“I saved over $80 per month [by switching from] a similar policy with another company,” says FiftyUp Club member Daniel Prokop, 59, who just took up the Life Insurance special offer we’ve negotiated for Australia’s best customers. The product is fully underwritten, with optional trauma and income protection cover, and it’s from 135-year-old provider NobleOak. “NobleOak completed my application over the phone and approved […]

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DEAR MR MURRAY … Here is how to fix our financial system

DEAR MR MURRAY … Here is how to fix our financial system

Beef up consumer protection in the finance industry. Ban banks from wealth management activities. Make product disclosure statements less confusing. These are some of the messages from top economists to David Murray, the former bank boss who is now in charge of the Abbott Government inquiry into Australia’s financial system. Fairfax Media’s BusinessDay asked a panel of experts to nominate […]

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