
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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Noela from NSW commented:

This is the age where medical problems begin. I would like more assistance from Medicare/Funds to assist with this financial problem. 

Someone from NSW replied to Noela:

Noela, if you are earning less than $600 a week then you can have a low income health care card. Check it out with DHS. Good luck :) 

Mary from NSW commented:

Hoping to get discounts at Grocery Stores and for FiftyUp club to clobber Woolworths and Coles 

Antonius from NSW commented:

I have turned 65 years this year and have no intention of retiring as I am still very active and enjoy working, Centerlink says I have no need for pension or seniors card however I should still be entitled to some sort of age discount. People over 50 are being grossly forgotten and many are destitute for no real reason mostly because they have not been able to find suitable employment. 

robyn from NSW commented:

I would hope the club can help pensioners. 

janice from NSW commented:

I hope this will keep costs at a reasonable amount so people don"t have more stress in the later part of life 

Dennis from ACT commented:

Hi Noel, I changed insurance companies yesterday for my car. I was with GIO and decided to check other companies. The Australia Post insurance for full comprehensive, included glass and storm/hail damage, second driver and lifetime protection of my 60% no claim, cost me $732 compared to GIO''s $1084.00. Not a bad saving eh? I am now in the process of hunting down cheaper home and contents insurance If you are interested, phone them on 1300 858 747 or 1300 040 905. Cheers Dennis . 

ROSANNE from NSW replied to Dennis:

Good hunting Dennis - will give this a try. Keep us posted on your car/home progress please 

David - FiftyUp Club
David - FiftyUp Club from NSW replied to Dennis:

Good on you Dennis, it's pleasing to see FiftyUp Club members helping each other out. 

Gary from ACT commented:

What I'm after is a good credit card with a decent limit , low interest and fee's that stays that way unless I default on a payment. 20% plus is a joke. 

denis from QLD commented:

I noticed on your typical spend $3474 for electricity, car & house Insurance, Insurance Companies charge on post Code & in Nth Qld post code 4770 Cairns, you be extremely lucky to be able to find a Insurance Co to insure your house & contents for $ 3500, let alone pay for electricity & car insurance, Insurance Companies need to be more accountable, they need to be named & shamed 

Geoff from NSW commented:

I bet that most of the 50up members will agree that N. S. W. does NOT stand for Newcastle. Sydney. Woolongong. There is no way we can get reductions in electicity etc etc etc in RURAL areas.... By Rural I mean communities of less then 10,000 people. 

Brian from NSW commented:

I would like to see self finder retires helped to make their money last longer by reducing the costs incurred in managing investments 

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