
NewsMeet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia
Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Meet the oldest Air Ambulance Nurse in Australia

Maureen Roberts has many career highlights to share from her 32 years as Australia’s longest serving air ambulance nurse.

In a recent interview on Macquarie Media, Maureen told the story of the pilot of her aircraft passing out at the controls and how she calmly popped his oxygen mask on and brought him around enough to land the plane. And you thought your job had challenges!

Maureen began her career in the Riverina and became interested in the Air Ambulance are speaking to a fellow nurse from the service. She started her career in Albury but is now based at Mascot, near Sydney.

Another memorable moment of her career involved a premature baby in the skies over the Hunter Valley in NSW. The Air Ambulance needed to land but a FA18 Hornet on “critical fuel” took precedence. Maureen remembers saying to the Air Ambulance pilot “the fighter pilot can eject if he needs to but we can’t, we need to land”!

One of the wonderful things about her job, Maureen told us, is that every day is a different experience depending on the patients you're transporting.

“Sometimes you're taking people home to die and they know they're going to die and they have the most amazing conversations with you."

Hear the full interview with Maureen Roberts here

Originally posted on .

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Trevor from SA commented:

I live in SA and fortunately have solar. The trouble is the power companies only pay 0.098 cent per KW and charge 0.3095 cents, so who's ripping off who. In 10 years power has gone up by more than 137%, and the Government has agree to the industry (read power industry) recommendations. They must make a profit. I wish I had a business with that guarantee. 

judy from QLD commented:

Seems that what Beattie and Mackenroth did by taking all the profits from the electricity companies at that time and since then the electricity works need to keep on with their supposed upgrades etc, so up go the bills - I think the blame lies in many years back. 

Rhonda from QLD replied to judy:

well said Judy, Beattie ripped all the profit out of Energex and we now pay the high prices, try living on the Gold Coast and paying for water. My last bill was for $514.00 for 6 months, less than $100 was water and the balance was fixed costs. Our Mayor's phone bill of $12,000 was equivalent to some pensions. Its a joke, think they can keep us working until we are 80 by pricing us out of our homes. 

Wendy from QLD commented:

This is all coming from the Gov. body sector. They lifted the freeze on power increases about 10 yrs back in think and it's been increasingly higher and higher ever since. This is a grab for money without the people knowledge, or so they think. They need to have all items of people money and evidence of Gov. revenue and spending public knowledge. People need to have a say where their money goes and where it comes from. Gov. can't seem to be trusted, so they need to be watched. 

William from VIC commented:

Has solar in place feb.'11. it was in 6 months but they failed to inform retailer so no credit for 6 months. Also installer insisted we would save $200 per quarter based on our use. Did not believe him but figured about $120 a quarter. I was right, he was wrong but what can you do? The value of solar is diminishing as the feed in we have is 60cents a KWH. Now it is much,much less. The utilities of electricity and gas should never have been sold off but what can you do? Use less appliances and wear more or less clothing as weather permits. 

Rhonda from QLD replied to William:

You are right William, fortunately up here we don't have to worry about the cold, don't even own a heater, but there are nights in January and February we cant sleep without the air con. Most times too scared to turn it on. I also bucket my laundry water to wash down paths and clean up, but the buckets are getting heavier..... smile.... 

Ann from QLD commented:

I am getting sick and tired of these greedy power supplers and the greedy state govenments who are the real people behind the price increases in our power and water charges 

Robert from QLD commented:

I had Solar installed on my roof to offset the rising power prices which is crippling our single income family and now that is in jeopardy, if I increase my panels or upgrade my converter I lose the slight advantage the scheme offered, this is purely the power companies bid to increases their profit margin which took a sever nosedive when large numbers of people took the scheme on. There is no doubt about it, pure and openly blatant price rise for the benefit of the power companies to make the healthy profit they use to enjoy at the expense of the consumer shame on the Bastards for profiteering. There is going to be more fires and deaths from candles being used to save money that is being drained by soring high costs of services = Urban utility's + %200 - electricity %200+ - BCC Rates %150-200 - Gas %100 There is now growing in Australia three class levels of the old English class the upper-class citizens who will not and can not be touched by increases (protected) the Middle-class will pay some fees and charges (Semi-protected) and the third class citizens who pay for the upper and middle class citizens most Australian's fall into bracket why? simple! the poverty grows at a rate of %3-5 each year and more and more family's and people are added monthly and yearly this is the model our Government has deem to be the best system to suet themselves!! you and I are expendable and you have a Qld Premer who is obviously practicing genocide which is the basis of all army training You do the sums and put all the facts together and the powerful conclusion is apparent It is time We the people took back the open check book and prevent further abuse of the powers given in trust before the polies remove US from the equation remember the old saying [Power corrupts but absolute POWER, ABSOLUTELY CORRUPTS] 

Taffy from QLD commented:

I am angry because I was told that we are a model consumer and are using the least amount of power in our neighborhood, Short of turning off the HWS, fans and T.V we cant save any more power. So they have to put the costs up to get back what we used to pay [and some]. So we are saving nothing. Power companies are getting paid more for providing less. 

Gregory from QLD commented:

I think the reason power prices keep going up now is due to the fact that more and more people are turning to alternative energy sources (solar etc) thus causing the power generators with less income to maintain the same aging infrastructure we have relied on forever while they did minimum maintenance on that infrastructure, so, now the age is catching up to where that infrastructure really needs replacing or updating and the companies have to rely on fewer consumers and less income from what used to be basically a monopoly for them. Another reason they are charging more now too is because the state governments want more in return from the power companies because they cannot balance their books without this reliable source of income which seems like a bottomless pit for them to collect a fortune without raising their own taxes and turning voters away from a government. They think we are silly but we are a wake up to their little ploys!!!! 

Someone from NSW replied to Gregory:

We certainly have been awake to their little ploys for some time but why would they care.There is very little we can do, other to jump from one frying pan to the other liberal/labor, AGL/Integral, etc. When it comes to wage increases the cry is always 'in line with inflation' When it comes to ripping money out of those same people we rarely hear that call and any percentage is OK under the guise of 'it is needed'.The fact that the family needs to keep the roof over their head paid for and the family fed is not considered an important need. Also the people who in control are on such high salaries with so many perks they have have no idea the value of $5 and $10. Perhaps each of our pollies could be provided with a sign for their office saying,HOW WOULD THIS DECISION AFFECT ME AND MINE IF WE LIVED ON HALF OF WHAT I NOW GET? 

Colin from QLD commented:

Of course governments, whilst tut- tutting, do nothing about power costs. They are reaping millions of dollars of income from it and can blame the 'power companies'. The same applies to anything else that is 'privatised' with the government retaining an interest. Blame someone else, pocket the cash. And if the privatised entity manages to LOSE money - like the Brisbane toll road operators - why then we the taxpayers subsidise it. As we do with car manufacturers who manufacture here in Australia. 

JOHN from QLD commented:

This is totally obscene and no government appears to be making any effort to make electricity companies toe the line and stop being greedy. One accepts that costs keep rising for any company but these massive hikes in electricity are a combination of government inefficiency and greedy companies and at times one wonders where the "lucky country" disappeared to. 

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