
NewsSticking Up for FiftyUps
Congratulations to FiftyUp Club member Rob and the winner of our first $1000 Loyalty Tax Return

Congratulations to FiftyUp Club member Rob and the winner of our first $1000 Loyalty Tax Return

Congratulations to FiftyUp Club member Rob, 72, from NSW, who’s the winner of our first $1000 Loyalty Tax Return. Rob changed energy providers through the Club this week and won yesterdays’ draw for a $1000 cheque to reward switchers. On the Steve Price 2GB program, Rob announced that he was going to donate some of the money to the Royal Flying Doctor Service. Good on you R... read more>
Why we need to bust the loyalty tax … one day at a time

Why we need to bust the loyalty tax … one day at a time

With so many days and even weeks assigned to marking worthy causes it’s fair enough to ask why do we need a loyalty tax day? For one there’s more than 11 billion reasons representing the bucks we could all save if we compared the providers of essential services and moved to better deals. Then there’s yet another price of old age creeping on. For each decade older we beco... read more>
Confessions of a serial switcher

Confessions of a serial switcher

I have a confession to make. I have been disloyal. I have betrayed the expectations of those who counted on my custom. In the cold light of day I left them without a pang of conscience I am a serial switcher. It is out at last. I have changed electricity providers at least three times in the last decade. Switched car insurance in the past month. And taken out a home loan from a lender who wa... read more>
How you too can share in the gains of the sharing economy

How you too can share in the gains of the sharing economy

It’s hard to miss what’s called the sharing economy. New business such as  ‘ride sharing’ services like Uber which are upsetting traditional taxis as well as the ‘peer-to-peer lenders’ promising to disrupt banks. Well-known brand names  such as Airbnb and eBay are involved in this movement but ordinary consumers, especially over fifties, need not... read more>
FiftyUp Club goes to Canberra

FiftyUp Club goes to Canberra

A small but hardy group of FiftyUp Club members which gathered outside Canberra’s parliament house made the point eloquently. As a significant part of the community representing one in three Australians we each have more power together than apart. We have more economic interests in common than those opinions which might divide us.  And it makes sense to listen to each other.... read more>