
Shopping around for health insurance

Shopping around for health insurance

Loyalty is great, but if your health fund is not showing you loyalty, don't give it blindly in return. Shopping around for your health cover can sometimes save you hundreds, and it doesn't have to be difficult. Approach the exercise as you would when getting some work done around the house: get 3 quotes and pick the best one, and you should be able to improve the value you're ... read more>
Fair Go for FiftyUp Campaign: Superannuation under attack at National Reform Summit

Fair Go for FiftyUp Campaign: Superannuation under attack at National Reform Summit

It appears from the first crop of Fair Go For Fifty Ups that many of you are on a collision course with some of the pundits at this week’s National Reform Summit. Business leaders, politicians, union representatives and journalists were present at the summit this week and declared superannuation under attack. There was one group missing from this important discussion – actual ... read more>
Older Australians must be heard on retirement at Reform Summit

Older Australians must be heard on retirement at Reform Summit

A major new survey of 10,000 Australians over-50 shows why their views need to be considered together with the 90 leaders from the social services sector, unions, businesses and policy think tanks at the National Reform Summit  The Fair Go for Fifty Up’s campaign has polled 10,000 Australians so far and found the single most important financial issue for older Australians is ... read more>
CAMPAIGN LAUNCH: Fair Go for FiftyUps

CAMPAIGN LAUNCH: Fair Go for FiftyUps

<p>So why are we asking you to contribute ideas to a campaign called Fair Go for the FiftyUps which is designed to discover more about how the cost of living effects you?</p> <p>Can politicians in Canberra, who make key decisions around issues which impact your spending life such as super, pensions, health care, utility bills etc, really do much?&lt... read more>
What can we do to get value from our private health insurance?

What can we do to get value from our private health insurance?

There’s been some sobering figures out this week about how 40% of those of us aged more than 45 suffer from at least two of the eight most common chronic diseases. The two most frequent maladies, arthritis and cardiovascular disease, usually occur alongside each other and back pain according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). But there’s still one chro... read more>