
NewsHelp Australia understand The Power of Oldness
Help Australia understand The Power of Oldness

Help Australia understand The Power of Oldness

Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 4.05.00 PMI know what you’re thinking

I’m old. Very old.

And you might be wondering

How did I get so lucky?

So begins a short video unveiled this week that exposes the stark difference between the skills that mature workers offer employers and organisations, and the discrimination they face when trying to gain or maintain jobs.

It ends with the words “Oldness – it’s everywhere. And if you’re lucky, it could happen to you.”

It’s quite a powerful campaign called “The Power of Oldness”, launched by Age Discrimination Commissioner, Susan Ryan, and the Minister for Employment, Senator Eric Abetz.

And we love it! Here at FiftyUp Club HQ, we applaud Commissioner Ryan and her team for coming up with the campaign.

“We are living through a massive demographic change”, she said this week, “yet community attitudes, employer practices and business strategies seem to ignore where we are at.”

We are right behind her when she says we can’t go on as if we are still living in 1909, the year the age pension was introduced in Australia, with an eligibility age of 65, but only 4% living long enough to qualify.

And we are behind the federal Government’s Restart program, designed to pay up to $10,000 to employers who hire over-50s and give a leg-up to older workers who still want to work.

That’s why we want to throw the weight of the FiftyUp Club behind this campaign.

Here’s how:

1. Watch the video by clicking here:

2. Share it! Put it on Facebook, Tweet it, or even send this link by email to your friends,

3. We will also push the #PowerofOld in our own media, social media and website.

Let’s see if we can help raise awareness of the raw deal older workers are getting.

The Federal Government has made a start but all govnerments and businesses could be doing more to make the most of the experience of FiftyUps.

Too many of us have actually lived through the last shot in the video:

“Sorry sir … we’re looking for someone … younger”.

Originally posted on .

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Help Australia understand The Power of Oldness

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Val from QLD commented:

I have been doing volunteer work for over 16 years. I did so because I was passionate and willing to learn skills along the way. When I applied for job I was told that the company was looking for someone younger even though I had requirements and qualifications. I later found out that the job was already taken by a member of another person working there. Very disillusioned as well as I thought why continue to volunteer. In the eyes of the some years of experience and you are not valued except when they haven't got anyone else to do their paid job. Makes one feel like our use by date has run out. 

George from NSW commented:

The older generation is being forgotten. While it is VERY important that young people ALSO have the opportunity to work and become old themselves, Older Australians have so much knowledge to give and that knowledge should NOT be thrown away so easy. To be old and wise first, you need to be young and silly, then you will learn the lesson. I think business should be looking at WHAT can be gained by hiring older workers before dismissing them because of their age. 

bill from QLD commented:

The "old" generation come from an age where the job was valued and the employer valued the worker. Remember the gold watch and the party. Not so today and it is woe betide any employer that employs on a permanent basis because the catch cry of the today manager is flexibility. where instead of future planning for growth they plan for redundancy. I'm 69 and am just starting a diploma course to try for a position and I am well aware that I will be too old in 12 months time. But that will not stop me because I have skills that in 12 months time will be valued and I have work ethic. Something lacking in the now generation 

Colin from NSW commented:

I applaud the initiative and agree with the comments already made but just wonder how successful the campaign will be. The wider issue really is "employment in general" which I do not believe is being adequately addressed world wide . The world has a rapidly increasing population and we are flat out into the technology revolution which is rapidly reducing employment with all the robotics now available in almost every industry, online purchasing, self checkouts in supermarkets, digital books, newspapers, magazines etc. One can just about do anything on line these days and when was the last time you saw men digging drains and trenches with picks and shovels? The building industry (as with most others) has largely become one of fitters and installers with all the labour/time saving devices available. Honestly where will the jobs come from for people to earn money to support themselves and families in the not too far distant future? 

Someone from NSW commented:

How about a visual advertising campaign with this commercial shown in peak times (news, sport, reality shows etc) and in the newspapers so that both generations can see the message. 

Carol from NSW commented:

Well I soppose, I am one of the luky ones, because at 69 I am still working part time and I am just about to complete studies, so that I can operate my own business as a bookkeeper. You are right, a lot of employers are very discrimetory towards the older generation. Serge 

Someone from NSW commented:

John from QLD... don't feel torn, that the younger generation are feeling the impact of unemployment... the fight is to make it an EVEN PLAYING FIELD not to choose one above the other. If the younger ones can do the job then so be it but why discard the older employee simply based on the assumption that they are past their used by date... and by the way its not the government who can fix this, its business leaders who have the responsibility to change the ageist, sexist or ethnic attitude. 

Someone from NSW commented:

Who decided that a 50 year old wakes up one day and no longer has skills and experience that are viable in the so called new world? In fact the 50 plus generation is a very unique and skilled group. This is the first generation to make the transition into the age of technology from the IBM golf ball typewriter to a computer keyboard, from a land line telephone to wireless communication, from snail mail to email, from face to face conversation to social media yet managed to learn and seamlessly apply technology into daily life - all within the last 20 years - yet they are seen to be dinosaurs who are stuck in a time warp. (excuse me, I need to laugh here.) Imagine what an amazing workplace it would be if the 30 something year olds could tap into the experience of the 50 plus employee working side by side. Imagine the productivity when the 50 plus attitude permeates to show how to manage family and work without the condition of ‘what’s in it for me’? More importantly imagine the amazing community we’d be creating where everyone matters regardless of any age mixing old experience with young energy. Perhaps I’m too idealistic… 

John from QLD commented:

I always feel torn when I comment on this subject because young people are just as badly impacted by unemployment as older people. The problem is that Abbot wants to force older people into poverty by increasing the pension age when there are no jobs for older people and there is zero enforcement of anti discrimination laws for the old. If you are a woman or a person who is not Anglo Saxon the media will move heaven and earth to report the matter but old people are ignored by them because they are a dying market. Furthermore the worst discriminators are State and Federal Government bodies. 

Mr & Trevor & Mrs Rosylyn
Mr & Trevor & Mrs Rosylyn from NSW commented:


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