
NewsSurvey of 3000 households proves it pays to switch Electricity providers
Survey of 3000 households proves it pays to switch Electricity providers

Survey of 3000 households proves it pays to switch Electricity providers

fifth-2Great news for anyone who is considering switching Electricity providers to try and save some money.

Four in 5 households that switch electricity providers find it easy and are so satisfied with their decision that they would recommend it to others – with 1 in 4 estimating their saving at $400 or more per year.

According to a major new survey of almost 3000 electricity switchers:

  • 78% are ‘satisfied’ or ‘extremely satisfied’ with their switch
  • 81% would recommend switching to family & friends, and
  • 86% said the online process was “easy” or “very easy”

1 in 4 respondents said they saved over $400 a year, with only 1 in 14 saying they had not saved since switching.

The results are emphatic proof that switching providers is not difficult for most households and pays big dividends for most of those who take the leap.

And yet according to the Australian Energy Market Commission, as many as 40% of households in some states have still not shopped around for a discounted market offer.

The survey is a wake-up call for millions of households paying top dollar for power. It shows that if you’re not prepared to move, there’s no point complaining about electricity prices because you might be your own worst enemy.

Look around and make your retailer compete with the best offers that are out there – or kiss them goodbye.

Start by taking a look at the group-discounted offers available at

Consumers can use the Club’s group-discounts as a benchmark and demand that their current retailer match them.

The survey of switchers was undertaken by the FiftyUp Club and the consumer network One Big Switch.

Originally posted on .

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Survey of 3000 households proves it pays to switch Electricity providers

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Colin from QLD commented:

But for those of us prescient and prudent enough to get a solar array when the feed in tariff was 44c a Kwh we are, hopefully, locked in to a contract ( thank God !) with our present provider. To switch would lose the benefits this gives us. When the politicians decide that 'contracts do not apply when they don't suit government' and we get shafted - that will be the time to shop around for better providers. And honest politicians . 

Karen from NSW commented:

I agree Peter of QLD. From a look around the web, there are more complaints about Click Energy than compliments. OK so I know people will complain more then they compliment but look at the actual complaint topics. Mainly they are about billing and solar deals. I did try and change to Click BUT when they made no further contact after my initial phone call, did not send the welcome pack and contract and denied me the cooling off period, I re-negotiated with my original supplier. I then called Click and had to speak to three different people in three different departments before they finally agreed to cancel the account. I asked for written confirmation. They did not confirm the cancellation as requested - they say they cannot write letters and post them! Move forward two months and I get a personally addressed LETTER - a real one with an envelope and everything - it even had my account number - telling me the tariff was being lowered because of the repeal of the carbon tax and so my bills would be cheaper. Great! Except I did not have an account with them! I called - again - asking for them to cancel the account, delete my details and send me confirmation in the mail. To which they replied "Where would you like us to send the confirmation?" I said you have the address send it there! The girl said "But if we delete the details we won't know where to send the confirmation". I said that perhaps if they were to address the letter and envelope first before they deleted the details there wouldn't be a problem. This was obviously beyond their capability and I have yet to receive confirmation. Customer service is really not their strong point. I was much better off with my original supplier AND I didn't have to have direct debit which I refuse to take as you cannot control the deductions. 

Barbara from QLD commented:

As they say better the a-hole you know than the one you don't. I am not able to change as Ergon is the only one available in my area. But even if there were choices, I would rather go back to my existing supplier and start talking about cutting costs or threaten to move. Losing a customer may mean more and they might just do a deal and therefore save the hassle of moving to another provider. Always had a gut feeling this Click mob were too good to be true, nice to have it confirmed but my condolences to those who are caught in their web of deceit. 

Ron from QLD commented:

I contemplated changing to Click Energy but I have to give them my banking details and they direct debit. That means someone can remove money from my account whenever it suits. No thanks. 

Peter from QLD commented:

I personally believe FiftyUp are not checking their facts before they trumpet the wonders of changing to Click Energy. For a start anyone with Solar is not going to benefit as they only give their 10% discount on what's left after deducting solar input, which can be 10% of nothing! Or perhaps FiftyUp are deliberately not giving the full story so that they get their kickback from Click Energy. Perhaps FiftyUp should be investigated for misleading the public. I think it's time to unsubscribe! 

Gary from NSW commented:

I switched to CLick three months ago. First bill was $100.00, second month was $82.48. Then bang! they get you, third month $261.20 total for three months $443.68, and this is with their discount by paying on time. My house was empty (for two weeks) of the third months bill. My highest bill ever with previous provider was $438.00. Those of you who have just joined Click, enjoy the honeymoon for the first two months, you will pay BIG time on the third month. Biggest mistake I ever made was changing providers to this mob. Do yourself a favour if you are thinking about changing providers to Click don't! Shop around and give this lot a big miss. Their customer service is abysmal as well. 

Norman from QLD commented:

This should be posted to Facebook! 

Iris from QLD commented:

We switched to Click Energy and then put 26 solar panels on our roof which is 5kw system facing north all of it and no shade and except for the $50 early payment we have found no difference to our bill. The solar cost us $11,000.00 after rebate of $3,000.00 and it was to no avail. 

Sandra from QLD commented:

I have solar panels so I am unsure if I would benefit by changing even though I don't seem to save much. 

Heather from QLD commented:

We have now received our first full month invoice from Click... so far... couldn't be happier. Previously with Origin. Huge savings for us! 

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