
NewsSurvey of 3000 households proves it pays to switch Electricity providers
Survey of 3000 households proves it pays to switch Electricity providers

Survey of 3000 households proves it pays to switch Electricity providers

fifth-2Great news for anyone who is considering switching Electricity providers to try and save some money.

Four in 5 households that switch electricity providers find it easy and are so satisfied with their decision that they would recommend it to others – with 1 in 4 estimating their saving at $400 or more per year.

According to a major new survey of almost 3000 electricity switchers:

  • 78% are ‘satisfied’ or ‘extremely satisfied’ with their switch
  • 81% would recommend switching to family & friends, and
  • 86% said the online process was “easy” or “very easy”

1 in 4 respondents said they saved over $400 a year, with only 1 in 14 saying they had not saved since switching.

The results are emphatic proof that switching providers is not difficult for most households and pays big dividends for most of those who take the leap.

And yet according to the Australian Energy Market Commission, as many as 40% of households in some states have still not shopped around for a discounted market offer.

The survey is a wake-up call for millions of households paying top dollar for power. It shows that if you’re not prepared to move, there’s no point complaining about electricity prices because you might be your own worst enemy.

Look around and make your retailer compete with the best offers that are out there – or kiss them goodbye.

Start by taking a look at the group-discounted offers available at

Consumers can use the Club’s group-discounts as a benchmark and demand that their current retailer match them.

The survey of switchers was undertaken by the FiftyUp Club and the consumer network One Big Switch.

Originally posted on .

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Survey of 3000 households proves it pays to switch Electricity providers

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Bruce from QLD commented:

As I am already being paid approx $300. a quarter ( from F.I.T) it doesn't make any sense to pay Click energy a $100 a month just to be given it back at the end of the quarter 

Barrie from QLD commented:

we switched to Click Energy and have switched back to Energy Australia. The billing by Click is monthly and does not always credit our solar credits. We therefore get a bill to pay when we should have a credit balance. They then hound us for payment only to be in a large credit when the credits are applied. Sorry, not our cup of tea thanks. Better off with our original supplier. 

Rhonda from QLD commented:

What rate do they charge for the power 

Franziska from QLD commented:

we switched already to click energy and are very happy, Franziska 

Karen from QLD commented:

What a shame Ergon has no competition up here in the nth, they charge ridiculous prices for electricity, with no one questioning them 

Laurine from QLD replied to Karen:

I agree Karen. Most unfair to not have an alternate energy provider. 

Daniel Michael
Daniel Michael from QLD commented:

How do you go when you have a choice of Ergon or Ergon? 

Con from VIC commented:

I don't know if I am doing my calculation correctly but I've compared the switch my power planner and Red Energy,and Red Energy comes up cheaper than all the rest even though I am not happy with their service 

Con from VIC commented:

I don't know if I am doing my calculation correctly but I've compared the switch my power planner and Red Energy,and Red Energy comes up cheaper than all the rest even though I am not happy with their service 

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