
NewsPower bills still hurting, amid fears they’ll go higher and lack of trust in pollies to fix them
Power bills still hurting, amid fears they’ll go higher and lack of trust in pollies to fix them

Power bills still hurting, amid fears they’ll go higher and lack of trust in pollies to fix them

Hardship has trumped energy efficiency as the most common way to keep power bills affordable this winter, according to the current FiftyUp Club energy poll available here

Asked to choose up to three strategies you’re using to keep bills down, 80% said turning off powerpoints and lights, and 58% are foregoing the heater, even though you’re cold.

“I'm going around my neighbourhood & looking for old wood to burn in my fireplace,” said one member in our forum.

This is compared to 39% who bought energy efficient appliances and 29% each for either buying solar panels or switching suppliers.

Just four per cent claimed they did nothing as they could afford the bills.

The findings are very timely as a legal battle begins in NSW that will have consequences for the entire country in the months to come.

The Australian Competition Tribunal is currently hearing challenges from the NSW state-owned electricity networks to proposed July 1 price cuts, and we'll be campaigning to make your voice heard in the deliberations.

Click here to take our 2-minute survey if you haven’t yet done so

The FiftyUp Club will then put together a submission for the tribunal on behalf of Australians over 50, who tend to be disproportionately impacted by higher power prices.

Very few of us seem to believe the politicians when they say power prices will go down.

Almost 70% feared electricity would rise significantly and 14% hoped for a smaller increase. Only 5% thought prices would be stable and 12% that they might even come down.

There was overwhelming support of 79% for the Australian Energy Regulator's proposal for drastic cost savings to consumers – up to a $300 a year for some households.

Almost 19% said their support  would depend on if there safeguards for workers.

Perhaps most interesting for students of consumer behaviour was much greater trust in the market and competition to contain power prices than the traditional champions of government and regulators.

Some 52% said the market looked after their interests with lower prices and better service ahead of the regulators such as the AER. Federal and state governments got scores of under 10% each.

When it comes to disconnection, a fate which befell nearly 33,000 households in NSW in 2013-14 thanks to unpaid bills, only 1% have actually been cut-off.  But we do wonder how many have had to do what this member has to pay their bills:

“Just can't afford to pay the bills. Spouse is still working at 71 and we still can't make ends meet. Have to frequently ask for extended time on electricity, phone, rates, water rates. Barely enough left for food.”

Originally posted on .

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FiftyUp Club
Power bills still hurting, amid fears they’ll go higher and lack of trust in pollies to fix them

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Someone from NSW commented:

We need Carole's bank account's detail, now, thank you 50Up Club Management ! The privilege of being a Christian: you love to put a smile on other's faces... Money comes next... 

Someone from NSW commented:

Signed Chris [sorry, I omitted] 

Someone from NSW commented:

What about your PM who is now allegedly involved in "refugees smuggling" ? Is this what you voted for ? - Chris 

KEVIN from NSW commented:

"Anonymous" spends a lot of time spruiking his policies but does not have the ticker to put his name to his comments which are so biased and far from the truth. 

Someone from NSW replied to KEVIN:

: Chris 

Someone from NSW replied to KEVIN:

How much would you be prepared to give to Carole (to 'bank transfer') for her "fire wood" emergency", Kevin? 

Someone from NSW commented:


Someone from NSW commented:

"Kicking the can, or not kicking the can? That is now the question" Chris Shakes Despair 

Warren from NSW replied to KEVIN:

I’ve just automatically presumed NSW ‘A’ has a comorbidity of disorders. I’m sure when ‘A’ respond to ‘A’s remark each time, that even ‘A’s not sure whether it’s ‘Aa’ or ‘Ab’ or ‘Ac’ that’s just responded. Scary is it not? 

Someone from NSW replied to Warren:

Carole needs one dollar from you (and us ... for her winter fire wood emergency), Warren, that would be more clever than your nasty comments bagging my friends... Also, make sure you read my last comment in "Rate the 2015 Budget " ... 

Someone from NSW commented:

*sorry: in "Over 50s reckon Budget fair enough, but not great hopes " 

Warren from NSW commented:

You're a bigot. 

Someone from NSW commented:

Please, read below (at 9.47/10/07 my replies to Carole): I promise you one thing if we are allowed by our Club (by 2GB?) to give a dollar or two to Carole and others like her, if we get her/their bank account/sw details, YOU WILL FEEL GOOD! You will be empowered by this simple act of GIVING, trust me, you will not look back and will have the best ever day, life also, since this is also what 'good karma' is about... 

Someone from NSW commented:

Power bills are high 'cause of THIS: You WILL NOT find a more obnoxious PM, a more obsolete PM than Abbott, here is what the dangerous clown told Alan Jones on 2GB radio yesterday: " I do take your point about the potential health impact of these things. …when I’ve been up close to these windfarms not only are they visually awful but they make a lot of noise. What we did recently in the Senate was to reduce, Alan, capital R-E-D-U-C-E, the number of these things that we are going to get in the future … I frankly would have liked to have reduced the number a lot more but we got the best deal we could out of the Senate and if we hadn’t had a deal, Alan, we would have been stuck with even more of these things … What we are managing to do through this admittedly imperfect deal with the Senate is to reduce the growth rate of this particular sector as much as the current Senate would allow us to do." 

Someone from NSW commented:

I invite the obnoxious PM to take a sample of the air breathed by his fellow Aussies in the Hunter region of NSW -where numerous coal fired power stations vomit their toxic emissions- and have it analysed: it is full of illness-inducing "pollution": kids and elderly Aussies all suffer from the excess of silica in particular, in the air, I know it, the chemists and GPs in this area told me ... As Abbott was vomiting his anti renewable energies venom, the Germans were congratulating themselves (European CEO mag): "Over 50 percent of the country’s energy was generated from photovoltaic panels In the first week of June, Germany broke records by generating over half of its energy from solar panels. On the morning of June 9, generation peaked at 23.1 gigawatts per hour, 50.6 percent of the country’s requirement. One megawatt is enough to fulfil the needs of 2,000 households. According to the Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) has announced that solar power capabilities have grown 34 percent in the first five months of the year, compared to the same period in 2013. This follows a successful governmental policy of encouraging citizens to install solar panels on their roofs. Germany has been experiencing a bout of very good weather, which has contributed immensely to the increased power generation..." 

Someone from NSW commented:

When will you, fiftyup club members realize that the guy is a nut shell (to the point of being seriously dangerous for the rest of us, Jesus Abbott, who believes in "nothing science", lives like his mentor the Coward OF Howard, in the mean bigoted world of a small-minded Australian somewhere between the dates of the birth of Jesus Christ and the early 1950's) here is what is slowly replacing the wind farms of the European mainland: Offshore wind power refers to the construction of wind farms in bodies of water to generate electricity from wind. Stronger wind speeds are available offshore compared to on land, so offshore wind power’s contribution in terms of electricity supplied is higher, and NIMBY opposition to construction is usually much weaker. However, offshore wind farms are relatively expensive. At the end of 2012, 1,662 turbines at 55 offshore wind farms across 10 European countries were generating electricity enough to power almost five million households... 

Someone from NSW commented:

Alan Jones . -who is not my "cup of tea" by the way, sorry 2GB- would have wondered if Oxford was about 'ending up doing' this "used car salesman's" sort of speech for a PM !!! He must be , like many of us, sorry Alan that this clown ended up running such a great country... 

Carole from VIC commented:

Fedup of estimated electricity bills therefore no solar reading. Sick of complaining nothing changes. Have smartmeter obviously not in use? This is a sham. Live in rural area no natural gas have to use electric heating. Have woodfire can't afford wood no one to fetch wood. And on and on it goes. Carole from Victoria 

Someone from NSW replied to Carole:

Country Australia under the regime of Abbott and his accomplices, more or less qualified ministers, senators, etc...for you, Carole ! Remember the lady from the Western suburbs of Sydney who was elected on the platform which consisted in telling her constituents that the traffic jams in their area of Sydney were due to the number of refugees admitted in the country ! THIS IS WHAT, WHOM we are now dealing with in the "not-so-lucky" country now, Carole... I feel for you, I wish sincerely I could help you: let's see what we can do us club members, any one with an idea? Have you got a bank account and could we transfer any amount -but MANY, would they be small ...- to help you with those bills? With the cost of purchasing fire wood? If AUTHORISED by the management of the brilliant -I must add- 50UpClub's senior management? 

Someone from NSW commented:

If authorised, I've $20 ready for you, Carole, doesn't have to be that much: $2, $5 , etc... could quickly add up and solve your problems for a while... The Christian in me cannot accept to see my fellow Aussies in this mess, I want to renew this experience with others who have a genuine problem, I've read their rant and want to help those other ones too... Thank you 2GB/FiftyUp Club for coordinating this easy but quick & efficient way to help our fellow club members (we, ourselves, won't need meetings after meetings to perform, for a good cause, mind you).... 

Warren from NSW commented:

You're a bigot 

Someone from NSW commented:

Her name is The Honorable "with sex appeal said the bigot" Fiona Scott, Member for Lindsay... 

Niki from NSW commented:

Don't you think it's time you worked out what comes under State Government and what comes under Federal Government Anonymous instead of letting this shocking personal hatred of Mr. Abbott get the better of you? Please ..... 

Someone from NSW replied to Niki:

Thank for your advice, Niki 

Someone from NSW commented:

: *you 

Someone from NSW commented:

I think that this is going to fix my problem, I am going to join the below linked community, and so can you, members are welcome (like any sect in Australia, they have a tax free status, understand why you pay/paid a lot of taxes? So that others do not pay any... Only joking...) : 

Someone from NSW commented:

Well Niki, if he had not passed away, you could have asked Malcolm Frasier, former Prime Minister of Australia, former Leader of the Liberal Party and in some party circles regarded as one of Australia’s greatest politicians in the history of Federation to repeat his assessment of your illustrious leader: "Tony Abbott is a dangerous politician, perhaps one of the most dangerous in Australia’s history." 

Someone from NSW commented:


Warren from NSW commented:

Nothing will fix you're problem. 

KEVIN from NSW commented:

An earlier statement was made that NSW voters voted for privatisation. RUBBISH!! We voted for people to be elected. There was not a referendum for us to vote regarding privatisation. At the time of the Baird Government being elected well over 60% of NSW residents opposed privatisation. There was NO mandate. 

Warren from NSW replied to KEVIN:

You're right Kevin, NSW voted for the sale of only 49% of 'power/poles' infrastructure only (as distinct from privatisation) and for the proceeds to be re-invested in better State infrastructure - roads, trains etc. It was Premier Baird's major policy platform going into the last election. One could argue he lost 5 - 10 seats as a result of this policy because of the fear campaign run by Unions. 

Someone from NSW replied to KEVIN:

KEVIN: you are bewitched by Abbott, the Libs, the Nationals ALL working against 99% of us ! (Do you smoke big fat cigars? Justin case...) . You could have refrained, could have put Labor or The Greens (even better) at the helm of NSW, but NO! (would have got rid of pretend Christian Jesus Abbott if you had, two birds with one stone...) You went for this obnoxious lot with the knowledge your power bills would go UP !(Based upon experience in other States): YOU ARE TOO CONSERVATIVE NUT SHELLS, THAT IS WHY... YOU ARE NOW PAYING FOR IT (AND US WITH YOU...)... 

Someone from NSW commented:

... and by the way, the "two birds" are of the Old World vulture kind, serious scavenging "birds of prey", who take from the majority of poor we are to give to a rich minority among us, truly obnoxious "birds"... 

Ken from QLD commented:

The Politicians DO NOT GIVE A RATS About Anyone -They Always Promise You Lots BUT We Get Nil - They Are Only Quick To Respond When There Is Something In It For Themselves - And The Power Companies Are Exactly The Same There C.E.O. Is First On Their List - The Same Money Tree - Yes They Have Given Discounts BUT These Were Always Affordable To Them - BUT I Agree You,s Had To Fight For Them - Cheers Ken From Mount Warren Park Qld. 

Someone from NSW replied to Ken:


Niki from NSW commented:

I think if we're honest we're all a little spoilt - I don't mean about the costs of our power but as far as air-conditioning and heaters are concerned. I'm not ANCIENT but when growing up we had NO air-conditioning and open fire places for warming and they were terrific. When we got really cold, Mum said: "Go to bed then" and we did! We have got a little soft. 

Someone from NSW replied to Niki:

Was better, then yes, I know, I've known the good old days, Niki... At least, there were no idiot of a bigot trying 'very hard' -but miserably failing- to govern the place... If we are "all spoilt" what are according to you, the chances of the next generations to be that 'lucky' ? 

Niki from NSW commented:

My bills (both electricity and gas) have dropped dramatically since the removal of the carbon tax and the competition there is now between providers. 

Someone from NSW replied to Niki:

Should still be a lot lot less, your bill, if renewables were used to what they should in the sunny and windy (esp. off shore) country, Niki... 

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