
NewsConsumer Action
What’s the wackiest thing you ever bought at Aldi?

What’s the wackiest thing you ever bought at Aldi?

To some, it is known as the aisle of shame, to others merely the “middle aisle”. But to most, it is the mecca of impulse buying and surprises in an otherwise highly predictable supermarket. I suspect many FiftyUp Club members may keep more than a fleeting eye on the unlikely bargains which pop up ever so fleetingly at Aldi stores every Wednesday and Saturday from 8.30 am. Sometimes there’... read more>
What’s your most important faculty or ability?

What’s your most important faculty or ability?

For any actor to begin to lose their ability to understand and express words must be devastating, let alone for a Hollywood star. You’ve probably heard that Bruce Willis is stepping away from the limelight because of aphasia, a cognitive condition with just those symptoms. Most of us take our senses and abilities a bit for granted, and so if they are lost or compromised, it comes as a sho... read more>
Over 50? Why not join us at the Modern Elder Academy

Over 50? Why not join us at the Modern Elder Academy

As one over 50, I’m halfway through experiencing what it is to be a ‘modern elder’ and discovering it's about better understanding the critical transitions of our lives. The US-founded and Mexican-based Modern Elder Academy have come to Australia to help prepare us as the positives of later life are booming here too. Those positives include greater longevity, activity, agency, connection ... read more>
Do your retirement home-work

Do your retirement home-work

Do your retirement home-work   Ask any ageing Australian and they will tell you the same thing - one of our biggest concerns in life is the inevitable prospect of relocating into a retirement home or aged care facility. So if you were one of the many FiftyUp Club members left feeling somewhat distressed following a series of media reports this week on the booming retirement village ind... read more>
Pension age to climb to 70, but progress on Super

Pension age to climb to 70, but progress on Super

Most older Australians have worked hard all their lives and paid their taxes but now we’re being warned that the retirement age is (again) set to be lifted to 70.  Ask anyone over 50 looking for work and they will tell you they want to keep working – if only they can find an appropriate job. In 2015, then-Age Discrimination Minister Susan Ryan found that more than one in every 4 workers o... read more>