
Preparing for a Longer & Better Lives

Preparing for a Longer & Better Lives

Australians are living longer and while we are living longer, we need to live better too! From health, finance, work and social life we could all improve from a little to a lot! The positive changes we make now can help us maintain physical and mental health as we get older, have enough money to live the life we want when we stop working, have the skills to be able to work as long as ... read more>
How Do I Access a Home Care Package

How Do I Access a Home Care Package

We released a new Home Care Special Offer from CareAbout this week for those who have funding from the federal government and want to switch Home Care providers or haven't decided on a provider yet. Some have asked, what are the home care packages and how do I get them? Well, we’ve got your answers below. There are 4 Levels of Home Care Packages: Level 1 recognises that a person... read more>
Music & Memory

Music & Memory

What’s your favourite song? Does it invoke memories of yesteryears or does ground you in the moment you are currently in? American singer songwriter, Eric Church, sings in his song “Springsteen”, “Funny how a melody sounds like a memory, like the soundtrack to a July Saturday night…” Music can transpose one back in time and awaken thoughts, feelings and emotions once felt or long t... read more>
How To Keep Your Landline on the NBN

How To Keep Your Landline on the NBN

If the NBN is coming to your area, you’ve probably heard that there’ll be changes to your landline service. Once your home is connected to the NBN your landline service will be delivered over the internet. So how will that affect your phone, how can you prepare for the switch and who’s got the best NBN landline plans? QUICK FACTS: Once the NBN is connected at your home, your copper... read more>
10 Tips to Survive Summer (without the Bill Shock)

10 Tips to Survive Summer (without the Bill Shock)

Air-con awareness The air-con is infamous for its energy-draining tendencies, but there are easy ways to significantly cut down your costs. The average reverse cycle air-con costs around $0.25 - $0.95 per hour to run for cooling purposes depending on the size of the room. Heating up a medium sized room (~$0.60 an hour) for eight hours a day would cost $4.80 a day. That is $1,750 ... read more>