
NewsSavings Tips
What are you going to do now that we are all becoming ‘freer’

What are you going to do now that we are all becoming ‘freer’

We hear endlessly about the ‘new normal’, usually in terms of the broader economy and population-wide changes to how we will do business ahead. But what about us as individuals, the so-called microeconomic level? All of us have either been locked down or restricted in our movements. Slowly but surely, that regime is ending. So how do you think your everyday habits may change due to the pa... read more>
This One Trick Could Save You Hundreds

This One Trick Could Save You Hundreds

We’ve said it again and again. Compare. Compare. Compare. And if the third time isn’t a charm, how about saving up to $1,416 a year in household bills. What could you do with an extra $1,416 a year? When does your mobile phone contract expire?What about your broadband? How about your energy? Health insurance? Car insurance? Do we need to go on? The perfect time to nego... read more>
13 Travel Etiquette Tips

13 Travel Etiquette Tips

Summer is wrapping up, and many of us are gearing up to get out of here for a few weeks during the cooler months. If you’re like me, you might have noticed there’s almost always one person who think they’re the only one using the airline. Whether you’re lucky enough to be an experienced traveller, or you’re leaving the country for the first time, I put together 13 travel etiquette tip... read more>
Tips for Travel Anxiety

Tips for Travel Anxiety

Travelling can cause anxiety and stress easier than that high energy bill you might receive. If travelling triggers major anxiety for you, here tips that could help reduce your travel worries. Practice Relaxation Techniques Before You Go Even before you jump on the plane, find a calming relaxation technique that calms your nerves and start using it prior to your journey. This could he... read more>
Tidying Up Your Finances

Tidying Up Your Finances

Marie Kondo has been all the talk lately from her Netflix Series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo to her statement of getting rid of bibliophiles beloved collection. Her main thing about decluttering your life is always asking, “does it bring you joy”? And whether you love her, hate her or don’t even know who she is, one word she does have right is: declutter. While your finances might... read more>