
We’re the world’s wealthiest people. So why aren’t we celebrating?

We’re the world’s wealthiest people. So why aren’t we celebrating?

It’s funny, but I have mixed emotions hearing that Australians are now considered, at least by one measure, to be the wealthiest people on the entire Earth. We should be joyful that the median, as opposed to average, Aussie adult now has a net worth of $413,260, beating the citizens of Belgium, NZ and Hong Kong. If you are one of Australia’s 2.2 million millionaires, and an extra 390,000 ... read more>
Why we should make tomorrow a ‘wake’ for Queen Elizabeth II - and why we should all have one too

Why we should make tomorrow a ‘wake’ for Queen Elizabeth II - and why we should all have one too

With all the planning, pomp, and ceremony, one trusts the royals didn’t overlook that key ingredient of any funeral - the gathering at the end. And nor should we, as a nation, when we mark a National Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II tomorrow. How will you mark the day tomorrow? And have you planned your own wake yet, or do you intend to? If so, what music would you play, and what... read more>
Do you suffer from F.O.G.O.?

Do you suffer from F.O.G.O.?

Here’s another dreaded acronym to add to the alphabet soup of trends, and what’s worse, you may suffer from the condition. It’s called ‘FOGO’, or Fear Of Growing Old. According to a national survey by CareSide, a home care provider, we are in the grips of anxiety and worse when asked to rate the various impacts of ageing. The leading frights are cognitive and physical decline, a loss of i... read more>
Health premium increases coming soon for millions

Health premium increases coming soon for millions

Private health insurance enjoys its own complexities, which are not helped by some confusion about the round of annual premium increases. Thanks to the COVID fallout, most of the usual April 1 hikes in policy prices are now being staggered through dates in October and November. The existing system whereby the health funds propose an average increase, the government then bargains a lower f... read more>
Share your memories of Queen Elizabeth II

Share your memories of Queen Elizabeth II

For those over 50, you may have a good lifetime’s worth of memories about our Queen, whether you are a monarchist, republican or neither. And like it or not, after a respectful period (is there such a thing?), we shall have to revisit the issue of just who should be our head of state. In the meantime, anyone who got within cooee of Her Majesty has been sharing their memories, most... read more>